New partnership heralds en masse precision medicine

Published on the 02/12/2015 | Written by Newsdesk

precision medicine

Trifecta to deliver ‘world-leading integrated precision medicine solution’ right here in NZ…

The three companies will work together to connect hospital level clinical data with primary care data and personal health data. Linked to other health information types, such as genomics, microbiomics and proteomics, the organisations said the result will be a personalised and predictive healthcare system for New Zealanders.

And it could fundamentally change the way healthcare is delivered over the next decade.

Orion Health CEO Ian McCrae said the joint vision is the delivery of a collective data ecosystem that supports health and social investment. Or, in more practical terms, he explained, “Being able to target people who need support earlier; predicting the risk of people most in need and supporting people across their journey through life– where they live, work and play – would be a game changer for health and social services.”

A precision medicine approach, McCrae said, will drive personalised healthcare which combines all information unique to any individual to identify prevention and treatment strategies effective for them based on genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors.

He anticipates that the partnership will attract further interest: “We expect and fully welcome other New Zealand technology and service organisations to join us on this journey and believe a commitment to open, multi sectorial collaboration and partnership is critical.” McCrae added that the personalised healthcare approach fully endorses the focus areas outlined in the new draft New Zealand Health Strategy, specifically the strategic themes of People Powered, Closer to Home and a Smart System.

Medtech CEO Vino Ramayah said the three companies are already caring for the health and wellbeing of millions of New Zealanders through their services. “Working together will allow us to achieve a global-leading health system.”  A more integrated and personalised service, he added, will deliver benefits to individuals and the broader healthcare system through seamless information flows between primary and secondary care.

CSC NZ country manager Stephen Miller said the partnership will break down information system silos, ensuring a ‘whole of person’ healthcare approach. “A whole new world of health is upon us and New Zealand could be the global leader in the transformation.”

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