Social CRM a Sage choice

Published on the 11/06/2013 | Written by Newsdesk

Recent announcements from key vendors show CRM is changing from a database of contacts to an interactive platform for communication and collaboration…

Business management software vendor Sage Business Solutions has announced the newest version of its SMB CRM solutions, revealing a set of new social, mobile and business collaboration features.

The new version, Sage CRM 7.2, can be deployed on Apple and Android mobile devices, and offers extended social CRM through Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, and employee collaboration through Yammer. The Social CRM suite, which already integrates with key social media applications including LinkedIn and Twitter, is enhanced further with new social capabilities that allow Sage CRM teams to gain customer insights from Facebook, providing users with a complete picture of customer and prospect interactions. Internally employees can now enjoy modern social-style collaboration through Yammer.

The extended mobile suite also includes two new mobile apps for the iPhone and Windows 8 aimed at providing mobile sales teams with real-time data so they can access their key opportunities, appointments and tasks on the road.

The announcement comes just after Microsoft outlined its roadmap for its Dynamics CRM system which will see it place greater focus on mobility and integration of social media content and analysis into the tool. These new features enable easier collaboration and increased productivity both inside and outside the organisation and cater to what is being called ‘the new customer’ who wants a consumer technology experience in the workplace.

Other new features offered with the latest release include smarter reporting which is faster, more secure, customisable with the latest CRM data and can create visual reports with interactive graphs.

“Sage CRM 7.2 has been designed with social, mobile and business collaboration technology at its core and is further enhanced with smart business reporting,” said Mike Lorge, managing director, Sage Business Solutions.

“It will boost sales team productivity, foster greater internal collaboration, and deliver better business insight.”

Sage CRM 7.2 is available immediately and integrates with the Sage ERP products.

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