Survey: Feel strongly about customer satisfaction? Tell us about it and get yourself a new phone…

Published on the 08/11/2010 | Written by Newsdesk

Provide your views on which NZ industries are achieving high (or low) customer satisfaction, and why…

Complete the survey to provide your views on which New Zealand industries are achieving high (or low) customer satisfaction, and why.

All responses go into the draw for the Windows phone.

There are two surveys. One for those subscribers who are business decision makers responsible for managing or delivering customer service, OR, if this is not you, one from the perspective of your experience as a consumer.

Please click the appropriate link below to participate and go in the draw to win a new HTC 7 Trophy, running the new Windows Phone 7 operating system.

[Enter the survey as a DECISION MAKER]

[Enter the survey as a CONSUMER]


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