Published on the 04/10/2018 | Written by Fujifilm

- Education
- A reliable, issue-free, print-on-demand environment for students and faculty
- Eliminate the burden of support on the University’s ITS department
- Simple pricing model which includes peripherals and support
- Consolidated, centralised print room facilities
- Secure examination paper printing
- Guaranteed uptime
- Full managed, campus-wide fleet of MFDs and desktop printers
- Follow-me print and cost recovery software
- Support and automated replenishment of peripherals
- Two fully equipped and managed print rooms
- Streamlined production, collation and delivery of exam papers
- Consistent, trouble-free print and maximum uptime
- Guaranteed print turnaround
- Minimal burden on busy ITS team
FUJIFILM Business Innovation
W: FUJIFILM Business Innovation
New Zealand
T: +64 21 275 4321
Fuji Xerox devices and oversight has eliminated frustrations right across campus…
Victoria University of Wellington was founded in 1897 and is one of New Zealand’s oldest and most prestigious tertiary institutions.
In 2008, the University had reached the stage where the lack of reliability of their print devices was frustrating both students and staff. The fleet was old and run down, and devices subject to frequent breakdowns, prompting the University to request tenders for a new, reliable solution.
Over the last 10 years, Fuji Xerox and Victoria University of Wellington had enjoyed a strong and long-standing partnership, made possible by delivery of a consistent and reliable level of service which keeps the busy University printing, day in, day out.
Keeping the campus printing
Fuji Xerox New Zealand was awarded the contract, and has provided a range of print services for the University ever since, including multi-functional print devices (MFDs) for staff and students, and more recently desktop printers for staff.
“Delivery of a consistent and reliable level of service keeps the busy University printing, day in, day out.”
A number of devices come with Equitrac ‘follow-me’ print functionality to minimise wasted paper and maintain security. Students and staff send files to the printer of their choice directly from their desktop or mobile device and collect their job from that printer by swiping their ID card. Cost-recovery software means the University captures printing expenses by department and by student. Students can top up their available printing credits online using PayPal, or by using EFTPOS at Fuji Xerox kiosks located on campus.
Two on-site Fuji Xerox DocuCare staff manage calls about devices. They are a familiar sight around campus, traversing the vast grounds on motor scooters to restock the MFDs with paper and consumables.
Issue free, smooth printing for all
Any print queries or issues logged with the University’s helpdesk are automatically forwarded to Fuji Xerox support staff, who promptly sort the issue out and respond appropriately. This process places minimal workload on the shoulders of the University’s busy ITS department.
The ITS department was so impressed that three years ago they moved all of their printing devices over to the FUJIFILM Business Innovation contract. After years of buying their own printers and supplies and organising maintenance, the simplicity of the all inclusive Fuji Xerox cost-per-page model has proved to be a breath of fresh air.
FUJIFILM Business Innovation upgrades the University’s MFD fleet every few years. No device is more than 5 years old and there are minimal instances of breakdowns.
Professional print rooms
FUJIFILM also set up and manages a print room at the Cotton Building, the home of the University’s School of Engineering and Computer Science, as well as a tertiary print hub in Wellington’s Jarden Mile. These two professional print facilities replaced multiple onsite print rooms, and collectively print an average of 294,000 pages of University-generated material a month.
The decision to consolidate print facilities reflects the University’s decreasing print volumes. The design of their print system is based on service, not location. With a firm commitment to delivering within a set time-frame, there’s simply no need for on-site print facilities.
The Cotton Building facility is equipped with a FUJIFILM Versant 80 Press and a 3D Systems ProJet 3D printer. Staffed by one full-time operator, the print room offers a next day turnaround, handling smaller jobs requiring less finishing, and 3D print projects.
The busy Jarden Mile off-site tertiary print hub is equipped with a Fuji Xerox Color 1000 digital press, a Versant 80 Press, two Xerox 4127 black and white production copiers, and a range of print finishing devices. Collateral produced here includes student course books, exam papers, University publications and business cards. The hub also provides print services to W2 (Wellington Institute of Technology and Whitireia Community Polytechnic).
Exam papers
Every trimester Victoria University of Wellington conducts around 300 different exams. Naturally, the preparation, production and final distribution of the exam papers to each department is done under tight security.
After the company who had been printing the University’s exam papers closed its doors, Fuji Xerox took the opportunity to analyse the process and implement a more streamlined option.
Faculty staff were used to the printed, collated and bagged exam papers being delivered in bulk, and having to sort and label them manually for each class. Now, Fuji Xerox print the exam papers in a designated secure area at the Jarden Mile print hub, and sort, bag, label and group them by class. The papers are delivered ready to distribute, saving University staff valuable time and effort.
Printing the exam papers each trimester generates over 350,000 impressions, which helps the University achieve further savings under the volume-driven cost-per-page model.
To ensure that a chain of complete confidentiality is maintained, the print hub staff personally collect and deliver all print files, proofs, and of course, the final exam papers.
Consistent service, trouble-free print and maximum uptime
FUJIFILM Business Innovation gives the University maximum print uptime with a guaranteed 2-hour service call response for any issue. Despite the heavy use of the print devices, the average number of support calls (which are managed by Fuji Xerox) is low. Consistent quality of service, trouble-free print services and high uptime are instrumental in Fuji Xerox’s long-term retention of this prestigious print management contract, which sits under its All-of-Government framework.
The University is committed to Fuji Xerox and has no other suppliers or agreements in place. They regard themselves as ‘a Fuji Xerox shop’.
The long-standing relationship with FUJIFILM Business Innovation is based on trust and respect, and the delivery of a consistent and reliable level of service which keeps the busy University printing, day in, day out.
Source: This article was originally sourced from FUJIFILM Business Innovation
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