Evaluating Return on ERP Investment

Evaluating Return on ERP Investment

Published on the 31/07/2019 | Written by Oracle NetSuite

Return on ERP Investment

Is your ERP delivering results?…

Enterprise Resource Planning systems come with a significant price tag.

How do you know you are, or will, get a return on the investment you’ve made?

Benefits such as process efficiency gains, improvements in customer service or ‘single source of the truth’ sound great, but are difficult to measure.

Listen to this webinar to learn from a panel of ERP value experts how to:

  1. Establish metrics to provide measurable KPI benchmarks
  2. Uncover where system automation is saving labour costs
  3. Recognise the tell-tale signs that your ERP is not performing
  4. Evaluate business cases for ERP investment


Marty Engel


Marty Engel – Partner at Deloitte Australia
Marty’s career spans over 20 years from public accounting to consulting and various technology-centred business transformations.

A specialist in performance management, he has advised multiple cloud software migrations across major banks, utility providers and national airlines.

Rob Eldridge


Rob Eldridge – Value Consultant at Oracle NetSuite​
Rob has more than two decades of business & technology consulting experience including specialist skills in value consulting – or the science of value measurement. Rob has delivered strategic value consulting for large enterprise and mid-market clients across all industry verticals.


Thanks to our event sponsor Oracle NetSuite


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