ASB extends mobile banking to business customers

Published on the 02/10/2013 | Written by Newsdesk

Mobile banking for business is currently the focus of the banking industry as it catches up with consumer banking offerings…

The last month has seen a parade of mobile technology offerings for bank business customers. Westpac announced its new mobile-first centralised banking platform last week and BNZ launched its PayClip device earlier in September.

Now ASB has said it launched ASB Mobile Business for iPhone and Android last week too. The app gives ASB FastNet Business users greater flexibility and control over their business banking accounts from wherever they are, essentially extending its award-winning mobile app to its business customers.

Steve Jurkovich, ASB’s executive general manager for commercial, corporate and rural says, “Research indicates that business owners and managers log on to their banking platform for two main reasons: checking balances, and inspecting and authorising payments. So those are the two critical functions we’ve focused on for our first release with many additional features to follow.”

The ASB Mobile Business app allows ASB FastNet customers to view balances, approve and send payments securely without a NetCode token, inspect sent and pending payments including all the details and connect directly with an ASB Business specialist. Customers can now also log in using a five digit pin number, instead of the usual site ID, user ID and password combination.

Jurkovich says, “The ability to check and authorise payments while on the move is particularly important for our business customers. They will now no longer have to log on to internet banking on a PC to inspect and approve payments that may need to go out quickly. This is one key way in which mobile technology can unshackle business owners and managers from performing routine tasks at their desks and provide them with more time and greater flexibility to manage and grow their businesses.”

The ASB Mobile Business app is available in the Apple and Google Play app stores and uses the latest in encryption technology to minimise security threats.

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