CallPlus chooses OneAccess for local managed services

Published on the 16/02/2011 | Written by Newsdesk

New Zealand telecommunications provider CallPlus has joined forces with OneAccess, the second largest branch office router vendor worldwide, to provide its customers with access to managed services over their IP network…

The partnership will bring a new suite of CallPlus managed voice solutions to small, medium and corporate New Zealand businesses.

“Investing in our network technology is a core focus for CallPlus. We conducted a global search for a technology partner and OneAccess shared our goal of introducing innovative technology to the New Zealand market,” says Kelvin Hussey, General Manager of CallPlus.

Eric Bonneau, Regional Director ANZ for OneAccess, shares CallPlus’ views. “OneAccess is committed to delivering premium, innovative and reliable router solutions. We work with over 120 Service Providers worldwide and are excited to be providing our technology to New Zealand businesses,” he says.

The first solution to be offered which sets the benchmark for upcoming innovative solutions, is CallPlus Connect Lite. The PABX replacement product enables small businesses to access the latest premium voice services without a significant upfront investment as well as lower calling costs and ongoing support.

About CallPlus
CallPlus is New Zealand’s largest locally owned and operated telecommunications provider. Since its beginnings in 1996, CallPlus has played a pivotal role in bringing innovation, pricing simplicity and value to New Zealand businesses.

About OneAccess
Incorporated in 2001, OneAccess is a leading manufacturer of multi-service routers and carrier Ethernet access devices enabling major telecoms service providers to deliver business-grade managed services profitably. OneAccess supplies routers to over 120 service providers including four of the top five largest telecoms operators in Europe. OneAccess is the number two branch office router vendor worldwide.

By using mass customisation techniques OneAccess router solutions can be precisely tailored to meet the stringent demands of the business managed services market enabling superior performance, management, reliability and services innovation. For more information please see

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