DB receives award for full strength customer service with SAP

Published on the 22/10/2013 | Written by Newsdesk

The iconic New Zealand brewer has cooked up a new recipe for customer satisfaction using e-commerce ingredients…

Earlier this year iStart showcased an e-commerce customer story from DB Breweries. Now the company has received an award from SAP recognising its use of the online application to improve customer experience.

The web shop solution was designed, built and deployed by integration partner UXC Oxygen with input from Union Digital and was the first of its kind in Asia Pacific to use SAP’s latest web channel experience management (WCEM) software.

The new solution is part of DB management’s focus on improving efficiency and maximising opportunity which has seen it implement what it refers to as “an ambitious programme of change”, including a programme of work around its CRM and the new webshop.

The SAP Customer Awards of Excellence are open to organisations across New Zealand and Australia and celebrate the best use of SAP technology. The judging panel looks for projects that facilitate customer success, accountability, innovation, professionalism and teamwork, and best showcase the ability of an organisation to run better as a result of people using SAP solutions.

The SAP-based web shop project was initially a bit of a gamble. DB’s IS manager, Mike Rawson says that selecting SAP’s latest web technology was a bold step for DB as it was untested in the local market. The results, however, are now speaking for themselves and the web shop deployment means customers can engage more directly and consistently with the brewer leading to better customer service.

“We partnered extremely well with UXC Oxygen to bring the project in on time and on budget. We had undertaken a proof of concept at the start to ensure we mitigated any potential issues.”

UXC Oxygen CEO, Stuart Dickinson says the award shows what can be achieved when a willing customer and experienced SAP integrator partner on a project.

“This is a great result for DB. The solution provides a rich web experience for users and makes e-commerce easier to manage for both the vendor and the customer. The project leveraged DB’s existing investment in SAP into a new area of customer relationship management functionality, which is already providing a solid return on investment.”

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