.kiwi applications open for all Kiwis, first domains go live

Published on the 18/03/2014 | Written by Newsdesk

Kiwis across the globe can now apply for .kiwi domain names and highlight their link with their home country…

Dot Kiwi, the company that lodged the ICANN application for the creation of the .kiwi top level domain name, today launched its Landrush Period in which any New Zealander can apply for the .kiwi domain name of their choice. It is one of approximately 1400 new top-level domains launching in the coming months, but only one created specifically for New Zealanders.

Tim Johnson, CEO of Dot Kiwi, said that while it is likely hard for the average internet user to envisage what the changes to internet domain names will mean, in the coming years it’s going to be become the norm for domain names “to describe you”.

“Very soon, the more traditional domain name endings like .com are going to be viewed as characterless,” he said. 

Dot Kiwi’s own research indicates a significant demand for the .kiwi domain name, with registrations of interest already received for 3000 domains (not including pre-registration) and requests coming in from Canada, Australia, Thailand, Singapore, the United States, Malaysia, China, and all over Europe (as well as New Zealand).

Dr Bruce Tonkin, from leading global domain names registrar, Melbourne IT (trading as Domainz Ltd in New Zealand) said: “Based on the level of interest we’ve seen in the lead up to the Landrush Period, it is clear that many New Zealand businesses view .kiwi domain names as a valuable addition to their online marketing tool kit.”

Craig Donaldson, Global CEO of Kea New Zealand which has been helping to raise global awareness, said: “We’ve got hundreds of thousands of members across the globe, many who want a closer link to their Kiwi identity. New .kiwi domain names will be of keen interest to expats looking for ways to stay connected with home, and for local businesses looking for new ways to communicate online.”

A Dot Kiwi spokesperson explained it is operating this phased launch approach, rather than the traditional first-come, first-served model, to ensure that all New Zealanders have a fair opportunity to purchase the domain name they want. Dot Kiwi is also offering Premium Names (the most valuable domains in its inventory) not only to the highest bidder, but also to people who have a fantastic idea associated with that name.

“We want the best .kiwi domains to end up with the right people, and won’t let price stand in the way,” it says on its website, and invites applicants to “share a glimpse of your idea with us”.

Applications for the Landrush Period are open until the 30th April. Interested parties can visit www.hello.kiwi and register for their preferred domain name. Names with only one applicant will then be automatically registered on the 1st of May. If there are multiple applications for the same domain name all parties will be invited to bid for the domain name in an online auction.

Previously the Dot Kiwi Sunrise Period offered trademark holders two months to apply for their marks, with approximately one thousand domain names being sold during this period and through early reservation programmes. These domains are now starting to go live including www.lotto.kiwi and www.docherty.kiwi for Bevan Docherty. Early reservations also included New Zealand Rugby League and Triathlon New Zealand.

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