Kiwi SaaS vendor launches new on-demand CRM tool

Published on the 29/10/2009 | Written by Newsdesk

ActionStep says its new product – called CRM+ – can help businesses boost sales in a tough market…

New Zealand software provider ActionStep has launched a product called CRM+ which it says is aimed at helping businesses boost sales in a tough economic climate.

ActionStep says the release of CRM+ follows market research showing that small companies across New Zealand are currently struggling to find new business.

“Through alliances with electronic business directories CRM+ makes it easy for clients to import target prospects and to reach them through a variety of media such as email, phone, mailouts, TV and radio,” the company says.

It says the solution also integrates with client websites through an online form so respondents enter their information directly into CRM+.

ActionStep’s chief executive, Ted Jordan, says CRM+ was developed to provide clients with an immediate competitive edge in marketing and sales management, with minimal cost and easy implementation.

“Our clients have told us that this is what they need most in the current economic climate,” Jordan says.

The software vendor is making its CRM+ solution available to new clients as an entry point to its full ActionStep suite of enterprise application tools and says it is also fully compatible with other small business accounting systems.

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