Microsoft seeking ‘road warrior’ sales staff to promote Office 2010

Published on the 08/02/2010 | Written by Newsdesk

Top salespeople invited to apply for audition and four-month contract…

Microsoft is offering technology sales staff a four-month contract and “a great paycheck” as part of a campaign to deliver the Office 2010 message to New Zealand businesses.

The company wants to hire five “road warriors” to work at Microsoft resellers Ingram Micro and Express Data supporting sales of the soon-to-be-released Office 2010 productivity suite.

The successful candidates will be charged with visiting 200 medium-sized businesses around the country to champion the benefits of Office 2010, while at the same time sharing their experience with others via social media.

Microsoft says the positions come with sales targets and a frenetic pace, and offer the right salespeople “a chance to sweep up a plum contract and demonstrate their abilities to a national audience while working alongside leading technology vendors”.

“This is a new approach and Microsoft New Zealand is pleased to be able to support this programme to inform Kiwi businesses how they could make staff more productive,” says Jared Pedersen, SMB sales & marketing manager for Microsoft New Zealand.

“We want to provide a fun, personalised way for customers to find out more about the innovation in Office 2010, and with the Road Warrior programme, we’re starting to get out there and do just that. It’s a tremendous opportunity for the right person.”

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