Orion goes global with Amadeus, looks to accelerate Precision Medicine

Published on the 09/12/2015 | Written by Newsdesk

orion precision medicine

Platform to enable highly personalised healthcare and the implementation of Precision Medicine…

Orion Health has announced the global launch of its Amadeus open data platform, which it said aggregates and manages different types of health-related data. The population health management platform is capable of accommodating massive data files, including genomic information.

CEO Ian McCrae said Amadeus is at the forefront of Precision Medicine, which “is enabled when all information unique to an individual is combined to identify preventative care and treatments which will be effective for them based on genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors.”

He noted that many factors impact health outcomes. “Yet currently, only a few will be taken into account when healthcare decisions are made. Amadeus will enable doctors to get the insights they need to help them make accurate diagnoses and provide the optimal treatment.”

In addition, McCrae said patients will increasingly have the necessary information to actively participate in their own healthcare.

Amadeus is designed to encourage collaboration as an open platform with published APIs to enable third party innovation.

Orion Health’s APAC EVP Darren Jones said Precision Medicine will dramatically change healthcare. “Current models of care delivery focus on applying treatments to conditions, not individuals. The consequence of that ‘one size fits all’ approach is that individuals don’t receive treatments that take into account factors that make them unique – their family and clinical history, environmental and social factors, and importantly their genome, which when combined with their information can reveal treatment and prevention strategies right for them.”

Orion said Amadeus incorporates machine-learning and predictive modelling to identify at-risk patients to support rapid decision-making.

The news follows Orion’s recent announcement of a partnership with Medtech and Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) to deliver a Precision Medicine solution for New Zealand.

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