Orion strikes major e-Health deal with Microsoft

Published on the 18/10/2011 | Written by Newsdesk

Orion health Asia Pacific has signed an agreement to purchase Microsoft’s hospital information software assets which will enable it to offer to provide solutions to the global eHealth market…

Auckland-based Orion Health, New Zealand’s largest software exporter, and software giant Microsoft announced the deal yesterday. The value of the agreement has not been disclosed.

Wholly owned subsidiary Orion Health Asia Pacific has signed the agreement to purchase Microsoft’s Hospital Information System (HIS) software assets, including RIS/PACS, previously known as Amalga HIS.

Orion Health CEO, Ian McCrae, said the acquisition represents a significant milestone in the company’s goal to develop a next-generation suite of eHealth technologies that enable patient engagement in their own care.

“The addition of the Microsoft’s HIS assets is a natural extension of Orion Health’s portfolio of products that enable us to offer a complete solution to a wide range of hospitals and health organizations in Asia Pacific”, he said.

“The health sector in a number of Asia Pacific countries is overdue to make the transformative leap to the next generation of systems which integrate the complete healthcare ecosystem rather than siloing information in individual organizations or facilities”.

Orion Health chief executive Ian McCrae has said the acquisition would see it take on 50 extra staff.

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