
Dear John letters won’t cut it for modern marketers
Clear evidence has been uncovered of the benefits of personalising marketing campaigns for individual clients and customers – but most A/NZ marketing executives stall after adding a name to an email… read more...

AppWrap: ICT news wrap up Q2 2014
A wrap-up of the past quarter’s ICT news…

Microsoft restructures, “eliminates” Nokia
Microsoft has today announced a restructuring plan that will eliminate up to 18,000 jobs over the next year as it aligns the recently-acquired Nokia and repositions the business to be a productivity and platform company… read more...

Telecom jockeys for position
Telecom is making clear moves to diversify its offerings and survive in a digital age, making a large number of announcements in the last month, including naked ultra fibre services and, this week, new 4G services over its new 700MHz spectrum… read more...

NBN Co starts fibre-to-the node rollout
More than 650,000 Australian premises are now theoretically able to connect to the National Broadband Network, and 210,000 have done so according to a mid-year update from NBN Co… read more...

Domecq launches new cloud-based business navigator
Technology entrepreneur and ex-Localist CEO Christina Domecq last night launched her latest project that has the potential to turn the small to medium business world on its head… read more...

Respect Network turns personal data into currency but maintains privacy
Australia is one of the first four countries to host personal clouds for people wishing to use the still fledgling Respect Network as a gateway to connect them with online products, companies and services… read more...

Gartner sheds light on local IT spending patterns
The recent IT spending forecast for Australia and New Zealand shows, among other things, a growing desire for customer experience-related enterprise software… read more...

Gartner revises IT spending forecast down for 2014
Worldwide IT spending is still increasing, but not as much as Garter initially predicted due to changes in the market… read more...

Aussie’s Vocus could shake up NZ data solutions market with FX acquisition
The purchase means Vocus is now an integrated provider of fibre, data centre and internet in New Zealand and aims to replicate its successful Australian formula across the Tasman… read more...

Small NZ surf brand Coastlines rides cloud with SAP
A year after launching its cloud-based Business ByDesign suite in the New Zealand market, SAP has announced its first local adopter, and it’s much smaller than its traditional clientele… read more...

Tool shows A/NZ software developers are world class
A benchmarking tool that lets software teams compare themselves with the world’s best suggests that Australian and New Zealand development teams outperform their peers in terms of quality… read more...

Gen-i enters Aussie agreement with Telstra
The ICT services company is renewing its focus on New Zealand businesses and the Telstra partnership will remove the burden of its Australian clients while offering expanded services… read more...

Kiwi ISP buys Orcon
CallPlus hits 220,000 customers and $200 million with purchase of Orcon… read more...

Telecom banks on cloud to power future profits
Telecom is continuing to reinvent itself in its bid to survive in an increasingly digital marketplace, with the announcement this week of the acquisition of a cloud services business… read more...

Top Kiwi tech start-up acquired by Microsoft
Microsoft Azure has strengthened its Big Compute offering with the acquisition of its partner and successful New Zealand technology company GreenButton… read more...

SAP cloud lures 46 percent of user base
There are already 35 million users of SAP cloud services worldwide – but that is likely to prove just the tip of the iceberg according to a new study of 100 of the world’s biggest enterprises… read more...

Revenue Minister lays out plans to avoid a Novopay on IRD project
Simplification and industry consultation will be key to updating the IRD’s ancient computer system says Minister Todd McClay… read more...

Millbrook Resort golf carts first in NZ to receive interactive GPS system
The internationally recognised golf course at the luxury resort has added a new dimension to its golfing experience and managers promise there is more to come… read more...

Salesforce releases developers’ kit for wearables
Software-as-a-service giant Salesforce has released a developers’ kit to support the creation of apps for wearables that can be integrated with Salesforce enterprise applications… read more...