
Expecting an economic boost from the World Cup? Yeah, right.
According to a nationwide survey, Kiwi business owners are not expecting much, if any, of an economic recovery from the Rugby World Cup… read more...

Microsoft’s online suite kicks users out of cloud
Those thinking that cloud computing has yet to reach acceptable levels of stability have received more ammunition following Microsoft’s latest online malfunctions… read more...

Sam Morgan’s surprising new investment
TradeMe founder Sam Morgan has given New Zealand-based social game SmallWorlds a $2.5m shot in the arm… read more...

Christchurch earthquake shakes investor confidence
The February Christchurch earthquake has had a significant negative impact on investor confidence according to the latest ASB Investor Confidence Survey… read more...

2011 NZ Hi-Tech Awards winners announced
Rakon chips in big time winning both the PwC Hi-Tech Company of the Year Award and the NZTE Hi-Tech Company of the Decade Award… read more...

NZ high-tech industry gears up to court China, employ robots, during the RWC 2011
The local high-tech industry is pulling out all the stops to make the most of the international attention set to be generated by the 2011 Rugby World Cup… read more...

Police issue warning around PlayStation hack
The New Zealand Police are warning people to be vigilant following the hacking of 77 million Sony PlayStation accounts worldwide… read more...

Amazon outage the ‘worst in cloud computing history’
Amazon’s Web Services goes down, calling into question the reliability of cloud services… read more...

‘Localist’ launches, looks to take on Yellow Pages
New Zealand Post has launched a new local information and directory service called Localist, which looks set to compete with business directory veteran, The Yellow Pages… read more...

ANZ’s ‘goMoney’ mobile banking app goes live
ANZ New Zealand have launched their mobile banking application, ANZ goMoney, as a way for ANZ customers to transfer money between friends, relatives and businesses using only mobile phone details… read more...

Telecom hit with record fine for anti-competitive conduct
The High Court in Auckland has imposed a record $12 million penalty against Telecom for breaching section 36 of the Commerce Act in the so-called ‘data tails’ case… read more...

Subcard hits the small screen
Loyal Subway customers are breathing a huge sigh of relief as they can now ditch their Subcard from their wallets… read more...

Study shows internet more important than ever for business
A new survey shows that the internet is now permeating every aspect of New Zealand business – from where farmers buy supplies to how retailers reach customers… read more...

Smartphones, tablets defeat netbooks as most popular mobile Internet device
Tablets and social networking services are key revenue growth opportunities for operators in Asia-Pacific according to mobile broadband industry survey… read more...

EFTPOS at the Rugby World Cup? Forget it.
Fans hoping to use their EFTPOS cards at the upcoming Rugby World Cup are headed for disappointment – none will be available… read more...

Vodafone NZ pulls out of Egypt – brings jobs home
Vodafone has announced it is creating 125 local jobs by consolidating all of its contact centre operations in New Zealand… read more...

David Kirk predicts All Blacks to win World Cup – Microsoft grins
Microsoft announces deal for NZ$2 million sponsorship of the RWC 2011 tournament… read more...

Adaptable completes merger
Adaptable Solution’s change signals another round of local and international IT vendor consolidation as integrated solutions seen as the future… read more...

Free online stores for Canterbury
Website builders Smallfish are offering to help small Christchurch stores affected by the quake to start trading online… read more...

NZ nearing shared services tipping point, says provider
New Zealand’s public sector is lagging behind the UK in the take-up of shared services, says a British provider, and could learn some lessons from its adoption in rural Scotland… read more...