
Killer KPIs: getting your business metrics right
Performance management and business intelligence tools can be powerful business enablers. To make the most of them you need to start by getting your key performance indicators right… read more...

Salmon company reels in a solution
Leading exporter New Zealand King Salmon is a medium-sized company but as a fish farmer, processer, distributor and marketer, its activities and needs are as complex as those of many much bigger firms… read more...

Fleet tracking’s a snitch
Security, productivity, cost savings and fleet logistical management are all key drivers behind the latest range of vehicle tracking solutions – David McNickel profiles the options… read more...

Mobile termination & the Big Mac Index
Are the costs of making a mobile phone call in New Zealand as far out of whack with the rest of the world as the government would have you think? Is the grass really greener? Is legislation really the right way forward? David McNickel crunches the numbers with some startling results… read more...

Understanding Bluetooth
This article explains technology characteristics and workings of Bluetooth, a short-range wireless connectivity technology that lets devices automatically recognize, connect and transfer data between each other… read more...

WiFi explained
Everything you ever wanted to know about the latest communications revolution. Keith Newman answers the WiFi FAQ’s… read more...

Life’s a beach – why aren’t you working there?
Working from home is a good idea, but working from paradise is better – David McNickel looks at the emerging reality of hi-speed access from (somewhat) remote locations, and how it’s changing the face of work in New Zealand… read more...

Why Trademe works
The TradeMe web site is experiencing month on month growth as buyers and sellers let the market decide the best price for cellphones, antiques, clothing and computer parts and the auction technology behind the scenes attracts attention from other players… read more...