
CIO Awards: Who is making a difference in NZ tech?
More than 800 people crowded into the Grand Ball Room at the Langham, Auckland last night to celebrate the best of the best in the world of CIOs… read more...

Who will lead the digital way?
CIOs are perfectly placed to lead digital transformation and the CIO+ role being pioneered by Air New Zealand is an exciting development… read more...

Dynamics: Former Koorb supremo onboards at UXC Eclipse
Nicholas Birch appointed senior executive, New Zealand – and UXC says business is good… read more...

Pegasystems CEO warns enterprise of cloud risk
Pegasystems’ founder and CEO Alan Trefler has some harsh words for enterprises which slavishly adopt cloud based solutions… read more...

Senior ERP exec leads cloud-first strategy for Epicor in A/NZ
Epicor Software Corporation has appointed ex-NetSuite man, Vince Randall, to oversee the A/NZ region and strengthen its cloud-first strategy… read more...

Disruption: ‘A once in a decade opportunity’
Being a CIO is all about focusing on what matters – and most of that isn’t about technology… read more...

NZ tech landscape: Fast companies, cool vendors
Two contradictory reports show how the New Zealand technology marketplace compares to the rest of the world… read more...

Salesforce leads, SAP slumps in CRM stakes
Salesforce is the world’s most popular CRM with SAP ranking second – but in Australia and New Zealand SAP ranks more lowly. What gives?… read more...

Budget’s tech impact buried
It takes some reading between the lines to conclude that there is an underlying tech & innovation theme… read more...

Digital transformation behind CSC and HPE mega-merger
Fresh on the heels of its recent takeover of Australasian services company UXC, CSC is looking to merge with Hewlett Packard Enterprise… read more...

ITx 2016 conference details released
ITx conference creates melting-pot of technology-focused individuals…

Kiwibank CIO on beating IT bureaucracy, and that SAP project
Dianna Taylor advocates for a less punishing IT department and says out-of-the-box will be what gets the SAP project over the line… read more...

Microsoft rescues Surf Life Saving volunteers from admin duties
A 19,000-strong volunteer membership comprised of all ages and walks of life demonstrated that change-management is pivotal to software project success… read more...

How NetSuite is powering growth in the sweet world of cloud ERP
Cloud ERP vendor growing rapidly, but no sign of profit… read more...

Record Hi-Tech awards signal coming of age
The hi-tech industry celebrates in style with record attendance on Auckland’s waterfront… read more...

Change on the horizon for Fuji Xerox New Zealand
Company embarks on a business transformation programme to ensure optimal positioning to meet future client needs… read more...

Crone proposes digital advisor for Auckland
Mayoral candidate beats the tech drum on the hustings… read more...

Tibco Now: Connected everything, augmented intelligence
Optimisation is out, innovation is back as Tibco ramps up focus on solutions for digital transformation… read more...

SAP cosies up to Microsoft Azure
German software behemoth SAP is once again cosying up to other tech giants in a bid to expand the entire enterprise tech ecosystem and further entrench its market position… read more...

Process mapping supports forced amalgamation
New South Wales’ 19 forced council amalgamations could shave months off their merger timetables if they first map business processes… read more...