
Bill and Tim’s excellent adventure: HANA goes native on iPhone
Apple and SAP announce plans to deliver native apps for iOS on the SAP HANA platform… read more...

Virtual reality is starting to get real
New Zealand’s unique scenery has to be seen to be believed and virtual reality technology is helping that to happen, starting with the TRENZ trade show… read more...

Spark rename for Vector Arena
Spark Arena to be a showcase for new tech… read more...

All Sparked up for Innovation Month
Spark Lab targets all businesses with a line-up of “international heavy-hitters” presenting at Innovation Month in Auckland… read more...

Dynamics market heats up as Flintfox appoints Duncan Cox
Former Adaptable Solutions supremo tasked with growing ERP consulting division… read more...

MoU strengthens management of .nz domain name
InternetNZ enters into Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment… read more...

From MPS to Content Management
As a mature offering, Managed Print Services has proven its value for organisations across the spectrum – but are New Zealand’s businesses taking full control of their content from end to end?… read more...

Augmented reality served on a golden Plattar
News Corp Australia has made its first ever seed investment and it’s in a technology firm that is bringing augmented reality and customer engagement to life… read more...

Cloud education needs a hurry-up
Cloud computing might dominate the headlines but a significant number of users still don’t get the benefits… read more...

Half of CEOs expect ‘substantial or unrecognisable’ transformation
Gartner research confirms digital transformation is happening…

Bunfight brewing in crowded streaming video market
Geoblocking, new competitors, and foundering Quickflix – how much room for SVOD in New Zealand?… read more...

Cloud services the answer to IoT security
Half of all IoT implementations will use cloud security services of some description by 2020, but the market is currently immature… read more...

Companies ‘desperate’ for technology leadership
But tech-savvy millennials need not apply…

Google runs insight platform on Amazon cloud
The fact that Google has bought Interactive Intelligence’s customer engagement solution, which runs on Amazon’s cloud, signals the growing IT spending power of business units… read more...

Spark tweaks leadership
Tim Miles, Rod Snodgrass out as telecoms operator ‘strives for return to growth’… read more...

Machine learning and AI for more secure banking
Turning data into real-time decisions to fight financial fraud… read more...

Rumoured Vocus/2degrees deal “will come down to price”
Following the finalisation of the Vocus/M2 merger in February, rumours have surfaced that Vocus is already looking at further expanding, this time taking over 2degrees… read more...

Gartner dampens cloud enthusiasm
Settle down about the cloud already. That’s the message coming from a Gartner A/NZ analyst who reckons local companies are a bit overly excited about the whole notion… read more...

Online voting gets veto, lost opportunities flagged
Council elections to remain postal, but the real missed opportunity was the flag referendum (in more ways than one), says expert… read more...

Automation, robots signal Alsbridge entrance
Consulting company sets up shop in ANZ, punts ‘robotic process automation’… read more...