Plant & Food Research selects SAP Business Suite

Published on the 12/10/2009 | Written by Newsdesk

Crown research institute says rapid deployment, and on-time, under-budget delivery adds up to good value…

The country’s newest crown research institute, the New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research, has gone live with SAP Business Suite.

After its launch in December last year – combining horticulture, arable and seafood research into a single focussed organisation – Plant & Food Research decided it needed a new integrated solution which could be deployed at speed, delivered the lowest overall total cost of ownership over time and offered scope for customisation.

One of the first problems the CRI needed to address was the disparate inherited business IT platforms of the merged Crop & Food Research and HortResearch. The new organisation’s systems had to work for commercial and government clients, to cope with projects as short as a couple of months or as long as several years, as well as supporting staff around the world.  

“The IT systems of the two organisations didn’t have much in common, they even had different email applications,” says John McMaster, CIO, Plant & Food Research. “Clearly it was essential for the new organisation that we migrate to a unified system to meet our needs today and in the future. 

The fact that it has been delivered on time and within budget reinforces the decision we took.”

“As we considered the complexity of our business, our tight timeframes, and the total cost over a number of years, a tier one solution began to look like the smarter option,” McMaster says.

Plant & Food Research is licensed for SAP Business Suite including core Financials and Business Planning and Simulation along with SAP NetWeaver BI.

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