Tait Communications teams with Mobile Mentor, announces new strategy

Published on the 25/02/2014 | Written by Newsdesk

The potential of mobile solutions to improve the field of critical communications has led Tait Communications to form a new strategic partnership to help it grow its software and services expertise…

Critical communications solutions provider Tait Communications, whose clients include agencies such as fire, police and ambulance, has today announced it has signed a strategic partnership with enterprise mobility expert Mobile Mentor.

The partnership will combine Tait’s expertise in supporting critical communications of public services and agencies with Mobility Mentor’s experience in mobile strategy, mobile innovation and support services, in particular its ability to rapidly develop and deploy mission critical applications.

While smart devices have the potential to significantly improve efficiency and effectiveness of a field force, Tait believes that many organisations lack the strategy and governance framework to ensure a return on their investment in mobility.

James Kyd, Tait’s chief marketing officer, said: “Mobile technology is growing in importance for our clients’ operations as they seek to become more efficient and proactive in the field. Through the expertise Mobile Mentor provides, we’re able to offer our clients comprehensive mobility solutions including mobile security and app development for enhanced productivity.”

Mobile Mentor CEO Denis O’Shea said: “We have seen a real interest among public safety agencies to include smart devices into their communications toolset in the field. Working with Tait Communications helps us to have the right conversations with the right people in those organisations and get some very innovative solutions working out there.”

The partnership with Mobile Mentor, which given the combined global reach and experience of the parties involved could be significant, is just the start however.

“Our partnership with Mobile Mentor forms part of a wider strategy to grow our expertise in software and services – including management of field devices – through global partnerships and in-house capabilities, as we anticipate future trends in the public safety and critical infrastructure markets,” explained Kyd.

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