Telco regulation up for discussion

Published on the 08/09/2015 | Written by Newsdesk

telecoms review

Discussion paper looks at ways to future-proof New Zealand’s communications regulation…

With the release of a discussion paper, ‘Regulating communications for the future’, the government’s review of the Telecommunications Act 2001 is continuing as it seeks views on a range of options for communications regulation post 2020.

“Digital convergence, new technology and innovation are transforming the way we live, work and do business and communication networks have come a long way since the Telecommunications Act was passed in 2001. This review is a critical step in ensuring we have a regulatory regime which supports growth, investment and innovation in these sectors into the future,” said Communications Minister Amy Adams.

The more certainty communications sector investors have about the regulatory environment, the better placed they are to deliver more technology choices for consumers, she added.

The telecommunications review is one of the work streams the Government has underway as part of its convergence work programme.
“Like other countries around the world, New Zealand is grappling with issues of rapid transformation of its communications sectors. It’s important to ensure our regulatory system is well positioned to support this period of rapid change,” Adams said.

The industry has responded positively to the news; three Local Fibre Company CEOs – Steve Fuller (Enable), William Hamilton (Ultrafast Fibre) and Darren Mason (Northpower Fibre) – made a joint statement that further investment and innovation is encouraged by having the most appropriate telecommunications regulatory regime in place. “When the Telecommunications Act 2001 was implemented the industry landscape was very different to today and the review needs to recognise this.

“Today, there is more competition at the retail level as well as more connectivity technology options – such as fibre, 3G/4G and VDSL. Access to high-quality broadband connectivity is essential to businesses, in education and at home – and demand for ongoing connectivity advancements will grow. The Local Fibre Companies look forward to making submissions on the discussion paper.”

The discussion document can be found at and the consultation runs until 27 October.

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