TUANZ announces new CEO

Published on the 30/11/2014 | Written by Newsdesk

Following the March resignation of its current high-profile CEO Paul Brislen for an executive director post at Jane Sweeney’s new PR agency, TUANZ has announced Craig Young as its new CEO…

Craig Young has worked in the New Zealand IT and telecommunications industry in one form or another since 1997. He comes to the TUANZ role fresh from a six year stint at Chorus where he most recently lead the industry relations programme. He joined Chorus at the date of operational separation in 2008 as the head of business development, and before that was GM of wholesale commercial development at TelstraClear.

TUANZ Chair, Pat O’Connell, says Young brings a wealth of industry experience to the role.

“We are particularly pleased to have attracted someone of Craig’s calibre and experience”, says O’Connell. “This is strong affirmation of the critical role TUANZ plays in the New Zealand telecommunications sector.”

Young says he’s looking forward to the opportunity to shape TUANZ and to lead it into its next phase of development.

“I look forward to working closely with members to ensure that TUANZ provides leadership in the sector.  I’m particularly keen to continue to raise awareness of how the developments in telecommunications can add to the lives of all New Zealanders at work and at home.”

Young will take up the role from October 13th 2014.

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