Published on the 05/04/2017 | Written by Newsdesk

Mega-corporation the culmination of a long process of consolidation…
The winds of change have been blowing long and hard through the ERP solutions provider market in Australasia and abroad and now, just months after CSC snapped up trans-Tasman operator UXC, it has itself disappeared. In CSC’s place rises a new hydra, which combines it with HPE Enterprise Services, a company which itself had a short existence. The result is DXC Technology.
That name, though – what does the DXC stand for? It isn’t (yet another) acronym. Instead, it is the firmest demonstration yet of the gold that the industry clearly sees in the buzzphrase du jour, ‘digital transformation’. According to Data Center Dynamics, an internal FAQ explained the name thus: “The name DXC is a reference to our mission, which is leading clients on their digital transformation journeys. The X is a reference to the company, being a force multiplier, enabling clients to seize the opportunities presented by today’s rapidly changing technologies.”
If that’s not enough to make your head spin, just for a minute imagine the task which confronts the branding and marketing folk at these rapidly compressed companies. No sooner has the ink dried on the latest collateral than a new batch needs to be ordered. And what of customers, who may have gone from being looked after by a small, intimate provider like Koorb, to just a year or so later finding themselves on the receiving end of invoices from UXC then CSC now DXC.
In a statement, Seelan Nayagam, ANZ managing director was predictably upbeat: “DXC Technology represents a new beginning for our clients, partners and employees in Australia & New Zealand, and for our global community. We have been presented with a unique opportunity to launch a new company and brand based on the combined experience and talent of two IT services leaders. As DXC Technology, we will harness the best skills and latest technologies to help our clients transform their businesses and thrive on change.”
On these shores, the company claims 60 years of experience and over 3,000 clients. This, it said, means ‘operating at a scale that enables the company to accelerate innovation and serve clients more efficiently and effectively’
DXC additionally said that it has ‘established a differentiated operating model to deliver a seamless client experience as technology solutions are built, sold and delivered’.
As a whole, the behemoth has US$25 billion in annual revenues, ‘nearly 6,000’ enterprise and public sector clients in 70 countries, an expansive global partner network and approximately 170,000 employees.
What can you buy from DXC? Here’s a sample: Cloud, Workload, Platforms & ITO; Workplace and Mobility; Security; Analytics; Application Services; Enterprise and Cloud Apps; Consulting; Business Process Services; and Industry Software and Solutions. Seamless, and end to end, naturally, and DXC said it also offers exclusive IP for sectors including insurance, healthcare & life sciences, and travel & transportation, with experience in aerospace and defence, automotive, chemical, communications, media & entertainment, consumer products and retail, energy, manufacturing and technology.
Plenty of positive comment from clients, partners and analysts was provided with the presser announcing the company’s introduction (like this from a staccato Crawford Del Prete, IDC chief research officer: “Digital transformation is changing how we think about the application of technology. Customers across all industries are creating new services at breakneck speed. This year, revenue growth from digital products and services is 2X that from traditional product portfolios. Professional services companies make these changes possible.”)
But more interesting by far are the remarks we uncovered at snarky website The Layoff, which include this gem, putatively from an insider: “They told us that DXC doesn’t stand for Digital Transformation Company. Only because “Digital” might be out-of-style in a few years.”
Check out more about DXC for yourself.