Beverley Head

SAP and Accenture tighten links
Accenture, which already has 42,000 staff dedicated to providing SAP services (46 percent of them in the Asia/Pacific/Japan region), has further tightened its links with the German software giant … read more...

Consumer tech faces rocky start in 2016
While the New Year kicked off with the annual circus that is the Consumer Electronics Show, revealing gizmos galore, the portents for 2016 in this segment of the tech sector seem more dour… read more...

Data analytics enters new phase of maturity
Data analytics is about to get a whole lot more interesting as pioneering companies work out how to empower their business executives without unleashing information anarchy… read more...

CA rallies call for next level Agile – breakout out of the IT silo
Having conquered a decent chunk of the IT profession’s hearts and minds the Agile movement has set its sights on a broader swathe of enterprise professionals as it seeks to achieve ‘next-level Agile’… read more...

Digital push must come from CEO and board to succeed
Enterprises which want to transition from traditional operations into a digital business need the CEO and board to drive the agenda, or they will likely fail… read more...

CFOs remain wary of cloud
ANZ chief financial officers remain wary of the cloud for their own use, even though they’ve had a decade of signing cloud cheques for CMOs and CIOs… read more...

Digital invaders identified too little too late
A growing number of CEOs now recognise that they may not see the competition coming because of the speed of technology fuelled digital invaders… read more...

ANZ IT spending plays tag with GDP
Australia’s investment in technology is likely to grow in line with the nation’s expected rise in GDP – while New Zealand’s pace of IT spending growth will be a tad slower in 2016… read more...

CDOs lead the way on digital transformation – for now
Chief digital officers may be all the rage among transforming enterprises – but they could find themselves with a very short corporate shelf life according to new research… read more...

Dell deal top of mind for VMware forum
For the Australian VMware users already signed up to attend vForum in Sydney next week, there will be just one topic of conversation – what will the Dell takeover of EMC mean?… read more...

CIOs to spend US$2.5 million per minute on IoT
The Internet of Things is eating IT budgets, with Gartner forecasting that next year CIOs will spend $US2.5 million a minute on IoT deployments… read more...

CSC targets UXC in AU$428 million takeover bid
US giant CSC has given itself just five weeks to complete the due diligence on Australia’s largest listed software and services business, UXC Ltd, ahead of a planned $A428 million takeover… read more...

Telco consolidation gathers pace
Just months after acquiring Callplus, rapidly growing telecommunications giant M2 is eyeing up a merger with Vocus, as ANZ telecommunications consolidations gathers pace… read more...

Amazon jumps through hoops before DevOps
Teams at Amazon which want to innovate must start by writing a press release before developing anything… read more...

Shadow IT seduces CFOs
The lure of cloud computing for CMOs is well understood and has seen more of the IT budget head to that department – now it’s the CFO’s turn… read more...

ANZ leaders embrace cloud based testing
Australian and New Zealand technology leaders are leading the world in terms of their adoption of cloud based quality assurance testing – but there are still gaps in the repertoire… read more...

Communications minister Turnbull moves into top job
Australia has appointed former communications minister Malcolm Turnbull as Prime Minister after a leadership spill last night which evicted Tony Abbott from the role… read more...

Big bank signs $450m deal with Big Blue
ANZ – which spends $1.2 billion a year on technology – has signed a five year $450 million deal with IBM which will provide computing platforms to support the bank across the Asia Pacific region… read more...

MYOB and Xero appeal equally to shareholders
The fortunes of accounting software rivals MYOB and Xero are at a curious inflexion point with shareholders valuing them equally at $1.7billion… read more...

NetApp preaches to the yet-to-be converted
Storage and data management business NetApp wants to do for big business data what Apple did for consumers’ – it’s turning out to be a big ask… read more...