
Promapp secures Callaghan funding, looks to build US presence
Cloud business process management (BPM) vendor awarded R&D Growth Grant… read more...

Five trends which will revolutionise customer experience
Interactive Intelligence shares its predictions for the five trends set to disrupt customer service… read more...

TechnologyOne launches latest cloud, built for scale
Trialled with early adopters since 2015, listed Australian software and services business TechnologyOne has launched the fifth incarnation of its cloud platform which has been primed for scale… read more...

First Software’s Xero integration eases road to ERP
Cloud ERP vendor’s Xero integration means more clients can access complete business management software… read more...

Despite ‘shocking’ state of global information security, it’s business as usual
Just 45 percent of organisations confident in security posture; attackers launching ‘more sophisticated, bold and resilient campaigns’… read more...

Strong performance bodes well – VMob
Location-based intelligence provider ‘positioned for success in 2016’…

Unit4 ups ante for ‘people-centric’ ERP
Netherlands based ERP provider Unit4 is stepping up activities in Australia and New Zealand, just as it announces an integration with online messaging app Slack… read more...

Worldwide IT spending to grow – but only just
Just how much will the tech-crazy world blow on IT in 2016? Around US$3.54 trillion… read more...

IT professionals face daunting security KPI
IT professionals need to prepare for a new KPI that will track their ability to manage system security “dwell time”… read more...

Vodafone moves to the North Shore
Local telecoms giant to cross the Harbour Bridge…

Private equity firm takes stake in StorageCraft
TA Associates to invest U$187 million in backup and recovery software provider… read more...

SAP and Accenture tighten links
Accenture, which already has 42,000 staff dedicated to providing SAP services (46 percent of them in the Asia/Pacific/Japan region), has further tightened its links with the German software giant … read more...

Consumer tech faces rocky start in 2016
While the New Year kicked off with the annual circus that is the Consumer Electronics Show, revealing gizmos galore, the portents for 2016 in this segment of the tech sector seem more dour… read more...

The PC party is over as worldwide shipments deflate
Worldwide PC shipments of 75.7 million units in the fourth quarter of 2015 are 8.3 percent down the same period in 2014 said Gartner… read more...

Data analytics enters new phase of maturity
Data analytics is about to get a whole lot more interesting as pioneering companies work out how to empower their business executives without unleashing information anarchy… read more...

Crowdfunded technology investment to hit US$8 billion by 2020
Researcher Juniper said crowdfunding platforms will deliver a sevenfold increase in technology investments within 5 years; local operator describes NZ performance as world-leading… read more...

Half of us will use smartphones or wearables to make payments by 2018
Mobile payments are gaining acceptance among consumers in North America, Japan and some countries in Western Europe, according to Gartner… read more...

Dead unicorns on the horizon
Just as in the Game of Thrones series, the ‘winter is coming’, and with it, so are huge risks to investors and employees of the so called unicorns, writes IMD Professor Nuno Fernandes… read more...

Universal opprobrium for copper pricing decision
TUANZ, Vodafone, Spark voice discontent with ComCom draft decision on copper pricing… read more...

How farmers can get OnSide with health and safety
New health and safety system for farmers to launch next year… read more...