

Australian biometrics pin down US offenders

October 1, 2014 | Beverley Head
Locally developed voice biometrics technology, already used by New Zealand’s IRD for taxpayer identification, has been picked up by Shadowtrack for US and Canada house arrest applications… read more...
Internet domains

Launch of.nz domain brings NZ in line with global trends

September 30, 2014 | Newsdesk
As of 1pm today, New Zealanders have the choice of a second local, simplified domain name for their websites and email addresses… read more...

Apple Matters: iOS 8…approach with caution, but Apple’s on track

September 26, 2014 | Mark Webster
The iPhone 6 might be dominating the mainstream media but, for the masses of iPhone users, the new iOS 8 update is causing its own stir. We asked Apple blogger Mark Webster if Apple is on the right track post-Steve Jobs… read more...

Goodbye InternetMana, hello an ICT policy agenda

September 26, 2014 | Newsdesk
At first glance a political party dedicated to technology should have had the ICT industry jumping for joy, but that was not to be the case as it garnered just 1.26 percent of the vote last Saturday… read more...
Online shopping

Technology forcing brands to front up on pricing

September 25, 2014 | Newsdesk
New website frontup.co.nz sets out to find out why New Zealanders are being charged more than our international peers for the same products, and the reasons seem similar to those causing the ‘Australia Tax’ across the ditch… read more...

Careful, they might hear you

September 24, 2014 | Newsdesk
There has been a step change in enterprises’ ability to economically capture, store, tag and index every conversation that their call centre ever has with a customer… read more...

Unleashed seeks sales and skills in US/UK

September 23, 2014 | Beverley Head
New Zealand-based Unleashed Software is planning a push into the northern hemisphere as it seeks more sales and skills to fuel its growth strategy… read more...

Is Alibaba IPO a threat to Amazon, eBay?

September 19, 2014 | Newsdesk
Chinese e-commerce platform Alibaba is set to make history with the biggest Nasdaq IPO on record… read more...

SAP and partners gear up for Wellington spend

September 19, 2014 | Newsdesk
While ICT election promises are less than bold, one thing is clear – the Government will have a significant impact on the sector as IRD, MSD and ACC all get major ICT projects under way, and SAP is one vendor gearing up… read more...

The six steps of Agile testing

September 19, 2014 | Beverley Head
Agile development shops need to take a fresh approach to software testing and measure the success of software development according to a team’s ability to deliver what is expected by the business… read more...

Family homes become the latest IoT battleground

September 18, 2014 | Newsdesk
In less than a decade the typical family home in Australia and New Zealand could contain several hundred internet connected devices as the cost of making a device internet-smart drops to around $1… read more...
mobile app

Kiwi smarts lead to world-first video calling app for CRMs

September 17, 2014 | Newsdesk
A New Zealand company has launched the world’s first recordable video calling from within your CRM system… read more...

Equip your salespeople for on-the-road success

September 15, 2014 | Vendor
Evidence shows that the ‘hard sell’ does not generate loyalty, but a good experience does. The experts at MYOB discuss what salespeople need to achieve this… read more...

How technology trends are helping Life Sciences

September 15, 2014 | Newsdesk
The experts at UXC Eclipse say there are a number of technologies that are driving the Life Sciences market forward… read more...

Online tool takes guess work out of hiring accountants

September 11, 2014 | Newsdesk
An online tool that tests accountancy technical competency was launched last week at the HR Game Changer Conference, giving those hiring accountants a reliable way to measure technical ability for the first time… read more...

Apple seeks slice of payments market

September 11, 2014 | Newsdesk
The launch of Apple Pay, which will turn the new iPhone6 and Apple Watch into tap-and-go digital wallets, can’t take place in A/NZ before 2015 because part of the security framework is missing… read more...
BNZ index

Infographic: Online retail sales index

September 11, 2014 | Newsdesk
BNZ has released the results of its latest Online Retail Sales Index and the results show that traditional local retailing is under mounting pressure… read more...
Surface Pro 3

TechEd NZ: Microsoft enters sexy tech race

September 11, 2014 | Clare Coulson
In a battle for the ‘sexiest’ tech company you’d be forgiven for not even considering that Microsoft could be in the running, but after the last couple of days, things could be about to change… read more...
Frost & Sullivan Awards

Megatrends and what you need to know about them

September 11, 2014 | Newsdesk
Global research firm Frost & Sullivan recently announced the winners of its inaugural New Zealand Excellence Awards, preceded by its Growth, Innovation and Leadership (GIL) Congress 2014… read more...

Only one A/NZ business makes grade on supply chains

September 8, 2014 | Newsdesk
Only one organisation based in Australia has made the cut for Gartner’s annual list of the most effective supply chains in Asia Pacific – and New Zealand fails to rate a mention… read more...
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