
SAP and IBM hook up on HANA
Software giant SAP has forged an international deal with IBM which will host its SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud Services in its data centres around the world – including those in Sydney and Melbourne… read more...

Heroes of tech recognised at ITx conference
The industry conference in Auckland last week culminated in the ITx Awards celebrating the best IT professionals from 2014… read more...

IRD chooses Accenture for first stage of $1.5 billion transformation project
Five months after releasing a closed RFP to multi-nationals Accenture and Capgemini, Inland Revenue has selected Accenture as its preferred provider of design services for the first stage of its business transformation programme… read more...

Semble launches NZ’s own mobile wallet
A “uniquely Kiwi” joint-venture will see a common mobile wallet available to Android smartphone users by early next year… read more...

ICT professionalism a focus for ITx 2014 conference
The three-day ITx Conference by the Institute of IT Professionals (IITP) kicked off with an emphasis on ethics, soft skills and growing the right professional people for a thriving NZ tech industry… read more...

Xero signs ex-pat Kiwi Andy Lark for US push
Cloud accounting specialist Xero has signed Andy Lark as its chief marketing officer – delivering the business with a wealth of insight about both the tech and finance sectors… read more...

Gartner: Digital economy drives IT spending and CIO agenda
The search for digitally enabled business models is driving global IT spending which will rise by 3.9 percent to more than $US3.9 trillion next year – but CIOs are controlling less and less of it… read more...

Ricoh New Zealand picks up rare Kofax Diamond Partner status
The company is the only Kofax partner in New Zealand to receive such high recognition… read more...

Canterbury Software Summit takes inclusive approach to promote tech
The Canterbury Software Summit is in full throttle and has deliberately chosen a low cost-to-entry and a political stance to appeal to the widest audience possible and promote the sector further… read more...

Australian biometrics pin down US offenders
Locally developed voice biometrics technology, already used by New Zealand’s IRD for taxpayer identification, has been picked up by Shadowtrack for US and Canada house arrest applications… read more...

Launch domain brings NZ in line with global trends
As of 1pm today, New Zealanders have the choice of a second local, simplified domain name for their websites and email addresses… read more...

Apple Matters: iOS 8…approach with caution, but Apple’s on track
The iPhone 6 might be dominating the mainstream media but, for the masses of iPhone users, the new iOS 8 update is causing its own stir. We asked Apple blogger Mark Webster if Apple is on the right track post-Steve Jobs… read more...

Goodbye InternetMana, hello an ICT policy agenda
At first glance a political party dedicated to technology should have had the ICT industry jumping for joy, but that was not to be the case as it garnered just 1.26 percent of the vote last Saturday… read more...

Technology forcing brands to front up on pricing
New website sets out to find out why New Zealanders are being charged more than our international peers for the same products, and the reasons seem similar to those causing the ‘Australia Tax’ across the ditch… read more...

Careful, they might hear you
There has been a step change in enterprises’ ability to economically capture, store, tag and index every conversation that their call centre ever has with a customer… read more...

Unleashed seeks sales and skills in US/UK
New Zealand-based Unleashed Software is planning a push into the northern hemisphere as it seeks more sales and skills to fuel its growth strategy… read more...

Is Alibaba IPO a threat to Amazon, eBay?
Chinese e-commerce platform Alibaba is set to make history with the biggest Nasdaq IPO on record… read more...

SAP and partners gear up for Wellington spend
While ICT election promises are less than bold, one thing is clear – the Government will have a significant impact on the sector as IRD, MSD and ACC all get major ICT projects under way, and SAP is one vendor gearing up… read more...

The six steps of Agile testing
Agile development shops need to take a fresh approach to software testing and measure the success of software development according to a team’s ability to deliver what is expected by the business… read more...

Family homes become the latest IoT battleground
In less than a decade the typical family home in Australia and New Zealand could contain several hundred internet connected devices as the cost of making a device internet-smart drops to around $1… read more...