
Strategic partnership heralds AI-driven service automation
For those to whom automation gives the willies, more frightening stuff… read more...

ANZ spoilt for choice with more cloud options
Oracle expands cloud coverage with PaaS, IaaS…

Vendor management in a volatile world
Mergers, acquisitions and divestitures are a fact of life that make vendor management an ongoing challenge for today’s tech leaders… read more...

Collaboration giants LogMeIn and Citrix GoTo merge
After a six-month courtship, the marriage between Citrix’s GoTo business and LogMeIn has been consummated… read more...

Within five years, organisations will be valued on information portfolios
Just how valuable is information? According to Gartner, by 2021 the answer will become clear… read more...

Intergen shifts into Press Hall
One of Wellington’s first ICT companies kicks off a new chapter in its 15-year growth… read more...

The robots are coming (and they’re going to clean your house)
Succour for those afraid of the robot invasion…

MYOB beefs up portfolio with cloud payroll
Hot on the heels of its acquisition of Greentree late last year, MYOB continues to strengthen its hand in the business software market… read more...

‘Digitally enhanced products’ and the dawn of the DX Economy
IDC peers into the future and insists on digital nativity for every enterprise… read more...

Chatbots take flight in New Zealand
But it is more Kitty Hawk than Cape Canaveral right now… read more...

Collaboration hots up as Slack boosts enterprise cred
Slack is a collaboration favourite for small workgroups – now it is targeting the big time… read more...

Real-time data gets courtside
Tennis pros lift their game with analytics technology…

Shift to the cloud as minnows nip at big energy retailers’ flanks
The big boys of the electricity industry aren’t taking this digital transformation malarkey lying down… read more...

UFB going (more) places
Phase 2 rollout to put fibre within reach of most New Zealanders… read more...

Tennis serves up the fun side of analytics
IBM and Tennis Australia introduce deeper insights and new digital experiences at the 2017 Australian Open… read more...

Productivity, technology and targeting NZ’s biggest IT spender
‘Technology is at the heart of improving productivity of government services’… read more...

IRD signs deal for $25 million knowledge management system
In the pursuit of transformation, Inland Revenue waves fat chequebook around… read more...

Does software licensing equate to theft?
Software vendors perpetuating a billion-dollar heist (or are they?)… read more...

Digital technology rendering government redundant
‘Digital’ has replaced multiple devices, industries and ways of doing things. Could it see off government, too?… read more...

‘Over the top’ puts a hundred billion back in your pocket
A figure is put to internet protocol gains…