
UFB going (more) places
Phase 2 rollout to put fibre within reach of most New Zealanders… read more...

Tennis serves up the fun side of analytics
IBM and Tennis Australia introduce deeper insights and new digital experiences at the 2017 Australian Open… read more...

Productivity, technology and targeting NZ’s biggest IT spender
‘Technology is at the heart of improving productivity of government services’… read more...

IRD signs deal for $25 million knowledge management system
In the pursuit of transformation, Inland Revenue waves fat chequebook around… read more...

Does software licensing equate to theft?
Software vendors perpetuating a billion-dollar heist (or are they?)… read more...

Digital technology rendering government redundant
‘Digital’ has replaced multiple devices, industries and ways of doing things. Could it see off government, too?… read more...

‘Over the top’ puts a hundred billion back in your pocket
A figure is put to internet protocol gains…

BI: Project success depends on a hard focus on the soft issues
Getting results from digital initiatives depends more on culture, appetite for change and willingness to embrace disruption than it does on technology… read more...

‘Massive opportunities’ in subscription economy
Report says Aussies and Kiwis spend around AUD$660 per month on subscription services… read more...

Techweek NZ’s ‘biggest ever tech event’
Regions a focus for Techweek’17 scheduled for May 6 to 14 next year… read more...

Future BI will address multiple learning styles
Better BI depends on taking cognisance of how people think and learn… read more...

Spending cash won’t make your company secure
Organisations spend an average of 5.6 percent of the overall IT budget on IT security and risk management, but that’s no measure of security… read more...

Tech slowdown begs question ‘Where have all the buyers gone?’
Market reports from IDC and Gartner show flat or declining numbers for PC, tablet and smartphone sales… read more...

New tech buyers could include machines
Vendors need to incorporate new customer types into go-to-market strategies… read more...

Good people (still) hard to find
Personnel problems highlighted in MYOB Business Monitor…

Kicking the predictors in their crystal balls
December – the time for putting up the Christmas tree, counting down the days till holidays and trying to be nice to your work colleagues at the office party… read more...

Expect more elephants down under
Open source big data vendor accelerates activity in Australasia… read more...

Better BI will decimate white collar jobs (but it won’t run your company)
Increased access to more data faster than ever before is driving a revolution that is completely changing the nature of business… read more...

Crystal balls come out for 2017
It’s that time of year again, so ready yourself for the prognostications of, well, everyone… read more...

NZTech firms up Techweek for ’17
Week-long celebration of technology and innovation scheduled for May 2017… read more...