Published on the 23/02/2016 | Written by Newsdesk

PwC is bringing clarity to cloudy data in Australasia by integrating more than 60 cloud accounting tools and other applications in one centralised platform to be launched in March…
Traditionally an accounting and professional services company, PwC, along with the other Big Four firms, has recently been making a concerted effort to become expert in the digital arena thanks to the meteoric rise in the importance of digital-fist strategies.
In 2015 IDC named it a ‘Leader’ in worldwide digital transformation implementation services. Today, it held true to that title, announcing PwC’s Next; a purpose-built cloud platform that will bring together a large number of big-name cloud solutions on one customisable dashboard accessible anytime, anywhere with a single log-in.
PwC’s cloud leader Scott McLiver says PwC recognises that its clients want to get deeper insights from their data and a better view of the whole business picture. Users will have access to live financial data, a holistic view of their entire portfolio, including business trends, in real time and real time notifications on business performance.
Even the initial eco-system includes the ability to integrate with Xero, MYOB, Spotlight Reporting, Shoeboxed, ezyCollect, Debtor Daddy, Exsalerate, ENTO, NowInfinity, IODM and Hedgebook as well as unique PwC digital business tools, such as the Nifty R&D (Australian tax rebate claim tool), it says. Clients can mix and match what tools they need to run their business without having to deal with multiple platforms. In fact, PwC says the platform, which launches officially in March, will have integration capability with more than 60 different cloud-based business tools, from GLs to CRM, payables automation and inventory management.
“There’s a phenomenal amount of innovation happening in the local cloud environment – having an open platform that allows us to continuously bring on best of breed solutions for our clients is absolutely critical,” says McLiver.
He said that PwC recognises that every client is different, with different business needs so it has committed to an open and agnostic platform. This means it’s got multiple General Ledgers and add-on solutions from day one which gives clients freedom, he explains.
PwC will be using the tool to add value to its clients and its advisers will use the platform to work with their clients in real time on their customised cloud dashboard to solve any problems and provide insights.