Telco-TV partnership redefines the industry

Published on the 19/04/2013 | Written by Newsdesk

Telcos partnering with content providers was predicted at MindStorm as one trend to emerge from the upgraded fibre network and they’re likely to become the norm as Slingshot and Igloo are demonstrating…

The world’s largest Kiwi-owned telecommunications company, Slingshot, has partnered with Igloo, New Zealand’s low-cost pay-TV operator, to bring Kiwi households what they are calling “some of the best value on homeline, broadband and pay television packages, with bundles starting at just $99 a month”.

With internet TV being the only real use for fibre that the Science Media Centre’s Peter Griffin could come up with at this week’s MindStorm conference, this announcement is a good example of how telcos might exploit the new fibre network.

At the event, Griffin asked if fibre was worth it, saying “the industry has not articulated or created the crisis to drive the uptake of fibre”. He laid down a challenge to the telco industry to show us the value that fibre will bring, adding that he believes digital content will be what drives it uptake.

The Slingshot-Igloo partnership has created a “whole of household” bundle, with rates they believe will shake up the market and challenge other telcos and pay-tv providers. The bundle includes a homeline, 50GB broadband, an Igloo subscription to 11 premium pay-TV channels (on top of the standard free channels) and a free Igloo box (usually priced at $199), for only $99 a month.

Customers will also have access to additional Igloo services, including a large range of on-demand movie rentals to purchase from the comfort of their own home and a selection of live pay-per-view sports events on Igloo’s sports channel.

Slingshot general manager Scott Page says, “We are determined to offer Kiwis the best deals on their homeline, broadband and digital TV. We’re taking on the big players in the telco industry who seem to be charging more for less.

“We’ve partnered with Igloo because it is a great alternative to other digital TV options. It has premium content at a great price point, so customers can get the best of both worlds.”

So far the response has been “fantastic” he says, both from existing and new partners.

Igloo Acting GM David Joyce says Slingshot is the perfect partner because both companies have a similar approach to business and, with the digital switchover approaching, there has never been a better a better time to introduce a third option to New Zealand – and perhaps redefine an industry in desperate need of reinvention.

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