Beverley Head

Computer security morphs into crisis management
There’s been a change of language in the lingo surrounding computer security – it’s now all about resilience and response rather than assuring protection… read more...

Where weapons maker meets cupcake baker
Privately held enterprise software company Infor prides itself on providing “the last mile” in ERP solutions, tailored for specific industries… read more...

Two thirds of IT roles face the chop
The IT shop floor faces the sort of radical overhaul that factory floors endured two decades ago – and about two thirds of current IT roles will disappear as enterprises disrupt themselves… read more...

IoT and enterprise expectations fuel the data firehose
Without a radical rethink of enterprise IT, the data that emerges from sensors and consumer focused services will become a burden on the organisation rather than a valuable commodity… read more...

Mid-market ERP is for masochists says Greentree boss
Creating ERP solutions for mid-market customers is work “for masochists” according to Greentree CEO Peter Dickinson… read more...

Agile underpins ERP overhaul
Three times the REA Group attempted significant back office projects, and three times it failed because of its complex, customised legacy platform. On the fourth attempt, it turned to Agile methods… read more...

Smaller contact centres lured with A$99 cloud
Interactive Intelligence dangles Amazon Web Services-hosted cloud platform…

The questions to ask before plunging into SaaS
Demand for software as a service continues to rise; according to Cisco, by 2018, 59 percent of all cloud workloads will be SaaS compared to 41 percent in 2013… read more...

Enterprise boosts spending on business processes
Investment in software to support modern business process management will rise 4.4 per cent this year to reach $US.2.7 billion globally according to tech analyst Gartner… read more...

Wearables could break $1 billion barrier
A newly published report from Frost & Sullivan’s Australian office shows that local chief information officers may have breathing space despite the rise of consumer demand for wearables… read more...

Retailers face heightened security risk
Insecure point of sale systems and high staff turnover are rendering A/NZ retailers vulnerable to cyber attack… read more...

Promapp takes aim at flowcharts and Word
If spreadsheets and shoe boxes are the nemesis of accounting software, so flowcharts, Word and “trust me” are the mortal enemy of process mapping software… read more...

Cloud, mobiles and IoT prompt identity rethink
Enterprise enthusiasm for cloud computing and mobile access are prompting a rethink of approaches to identity and access management… read more...

Businesses fail to fully exploit ERP
Australian enterprises invest millions of dollars each year on ERP platforms – but under-use of the investment is widespread according to recent research… read more...

Verint checks callers on black and white list
CRM customer support and service provider Verint is launching an upgraded platform that can identify callers from their voice alone, and analyse what they are saying and their emotions on the fly… read more...

Leading CIO kicks industry’s cloud claims
One of Australia’s leading chief information officers has delivered a sharp kick to the information technology industry for clinging to old business models at the expense of cloud… read more...

Agile enterprises must embrace quarterly planning
Enterprises which want to wring the most benefit from Agile processes and practices need to shift away from annual plans to more regular quarterly planning sessions… read more...

Jade Software sculpts and dances its way to the future
Jade Software is planning to reveal more of its creative chops this year to demonstrate to customers the benefits of a design-led approach to software development… read more...

IoT provides CMOs with promise of ROI
Data feeds from mobiles, wearables and IoT devices promise marketers rich new streams of information that can be mined for marketing insights… read more...

Enterprise seeks “moments” through wearables
Ross Mason ordered an Apple Watch last week – but first he asked his wife… read more...