Jonathan Cotton

Amazon starts selling booze in Australia
Whatever your drop, you can now order it online and get it delivered to your door… read more...

Can under pressure councils afford to cut IT?
Two recent budget exercises – one from NSW and another from Auckland City Council – reveal vastly different approaches to the economic crisis… read more...

Tech giants say no to facial recognition
IBM, Amazon and Microsoft won’t supply FR technology to US authorities. What gives?… read more...

Does remote work really work?
2020 may be the year the workforce came untethered, but is it all too good to be true?… read more...

Australia’s new border biometric ID system goes live
New face-matching tech uses algorithms to spot border crims… read more...

Trillion dollar Alibaba launches online trade shows
It’s boom times for the e-com leviathan, as it looks to bring B2B commerce into the digital age… read more...

Amazon wins patent for blockchain supply tech
From supply chain tracking to counterfeit products, Amazon is getting serious about transparency… read more...

MS banking on AI, not journalists
Microsoft’s news offering is banking on a bold new automated future… read more...

The future of professional development is online
GO1’s $40m Series C funding points to a new era of online learning for workers… read more...

Cash-strapped digital publishers brace for impact
The collapsing media marketplace will get worse before it gets better… read more...

Australia’s CovidSafe app finds a true positive (just the one)
Almost a month since launch, Australia’s digital contact tracing app is up and running. Or is it?… read more...

CFOs ponder their post-Covid-19 prospects
Investment in digital the key to meeting the Covid-19 challenge say CFOs… read more...

Laying down the law for Consumer Data Right enforcement
ACCC says it intends to speak softly and carry a big stick… read more...

Gartner to CIOs: Quarantine your cash flow
As the economy buckles under Covid-19, Gartner advises cutting all non-critical tech… read more...

Two weeks notice: NZ’s contact tracing app is coming
Ardern statements show misunderstanding of proximity tracing…

Crunching Covid-19’s numbers
Public and private data together comes together to fight Coronavirus… read more...

Can the delivery model save the hospitality industry?
Now that a return to Level 3 has been announced, could the future of Kiwi eateries be mobile?… read more...

A/NZ retail trends down as lockdown impacts
The data reveals an economy in upheaval…

Can our startup scene survive Covid-19?
While elements of the tech sector are in high demand, the startup community wonders where the next round of funding is coming from… read more...

Zoom scrambles to recover security cred
Zoom adds security enhancements to cap off its no good, very bad month… read more...