Nothing super about council governance says business survey

Published on the 09/12/2010 | Written by Newsdesk

Confidence in local and national government is low according to a MYOB Business Monitor survey…

Last quarter results show nearly half of New Zealand businesses are unhappy with support received from their local council. The government didn’t fare much better with 38 per cent of businesses dissatisfied.

Over 1000 businesses across the country were surveyed.

MYOB general manager Julian Smith says businesses have been doing it tough with revenue falling and pipeline work drying up.

He says it shows the frustration that businesses are feeling during a slow and uneven economic recovery.

“At both a local and national level, it’s clear the business community feels their elected representatives are not doing enough to support their success” Smith says.

He also says councils need to work harder to meet the needs of the business community especially after hotly contested mayoral races in some places. 

“It’s clear businesses want their councils to be more focused not just on making our cities and towns great places to live but also great places to do business – with all the benefits of employment, investment and growth this will bring,” Smith says.

Small businesses and organisations in provincial areas and sole traders were the most discontent at council. But city folk aren’t too different with just 8 percent happy with the new Auckland Council.

Christchurch City Council achieved the highest level of satisfaction at 16 per cent following mayor Bob Parker’s stalwart performance during the September earthquakes.

“To create a nation of truly super cities and towns, we need jobs, investment and growth to support the lifestyle and services enjoyed by residents,” Smith says.

”Councils and the Government can’t lose sight of the fact that it is the business owners – small and large – working hard every day throughout the country that make our towns and cities better places to live.”

The MYOB Business Monitor is a survey of over 1,000 New Zealand business owners, across a range of small and medium businesses. It is designed to monitor key areas of business performance.

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