

Data insights go begging

August 25, 2016 | Beverley Head
A quarter of A/NZ businesses gather data but don’t analyse it… read more...

Eat meat or prefer veg?

August 24, 2016 | Beverley Head
Disruptors come in two flavours – carnivore and herbivore… read more...
Information security

Information security: Enable, don’t inhibit

August 24, 2016 | Donovan Jackson
Complex and beset by FUD, a strategic approach to information security improves its efficacy and value… read more...

DIA: Oracle deal could save up to $30 million

August 23, 2016 | Donovan Jackson
The Department of Internal Affairs said it expects to save anywhere between $16 and $30 million over three-years… read more...
People come first

Forget about things, put people first

August 18, 2016 | Donovan Jackson
Customer experience is not about devices…

CIOs sidestepped in software asset management strategy

August 18, 2016 | Beverley Head
Those responsible for technology are being taken out of the SAM loop… read more...
Oracle deal_nz govt

Red flags as Government signs on for Oracle deal

August 17, 2016 | Donovan Jackson
Decision could cost ‘a massive amount of money’…
Digital transformation - eBlueprint

Transform or die

August 17, 2016 | Donovan Jackson
Put simply, digital transformation is a big deal for two very good reasons… read more...

Culture eats technology for breakfast

August 16, 2016 | Beverley Head
Forget getting advantage from technology alone – it’s a doomed strategy… read more...
predictive analytics

New Zealand ten years behind on predictive BI

August 15, 2016 | Donovan Jackson
Local adoption lags, ‘big data’ a canard…

Shadows on the road less travelled to transformation

August 11, 2016 | Newsdesk
Learn from shadow IT rather than suppressing it, reckons Fronde… read more...

Datacom cracks the billion-dollar mark

August 11, 2016 | Newsdesk
Revenue up 13 percent, 25 percent increase in capex… read more...

Integration moves out to the edge

August 11, 2016 | Beverley Head
‘Digital reinvention’ demands more integration, intelligence…
Employing IT staff

Good luck hanging on to IT staff

August 10, 2016 | Newsdesk
More than fifty percent those in tech jobs plan to move within a year… read more...

Industrial systems and IoT ignore security at their peril

August 9, 2016 | Beverley Head
Disclosure of industrial systems security breaches should be mandated… read more...
Cloud infrastructure

If it’s infrastructure, go 100% cloud

August 8, 2016 | Donovan Jackson
Whilst deploying SaaS applications may not be clear cut, when it comes to hosting infrastructure it’s a no brainer says latest Kiwi AWS partner… read more...
mass personalisation fuji xerox

‘Multichannel, mass-personalised comms’ a step towards digital transformation?

August 5, 2016 | Newsdesk
There’s still plenty of process inefficiency when reaching customers… read more...

How fintech is turning analytics into dollars

August 4, 2016 | Donovan Jackson
Looking for growth? It’s in the analytics as Juniper tips fintech for a revenue boost of 960 percent… read more...
Software as a service

Not so fast on the SaaS march

August 2, 2016 | Donovan Jackson
‘100 percent’ of companies moving to Software as a Service is far from a sure thing… read more...

MYOB buys Greentree “masochists”

August 1, 2016 | Beverley Head
Auckland based Greentree has been bought by Sydney’s accounting software group MYOB for $NZ28.5 million… read more...
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