
Telco update: 2013 trends to watch
It sounds like a date from the far-flung future – 2013 – but here it is, ready or not and Paul Brislen says the telco space will no doubt have a few surprises in the year ahead… read more...

Quality search requires quality people not just algorithms
On its own, search technology will not help us find the right things quickly. We need human expertise and human management… read more...

Project success comes from the top
Approximately half of all significant ICT projects fail in terms of delivering what the business expected. Marg Roberts considers what needs to be done to improve the success rate… read more...

Management practice lags behind tech innovation
In many organisations management practice is about 20 years behind the web. Gerry McGovern discusses what this really means… read more...

Gartner predicts mobile analytics as top CIO priority
Every business is looking at how to make better use of the data it has and to make sense out of all the small details. As 2013 gets well underway, Gartner analyst Daniel Yuen outlines a number of BI trends that will shape the strategies and tactics that organisations will need to consider over the next four years… read more...

My Jaguar versus your systems
Owen McCall talks cars, computers and reliability…

Making BYOD a success in retail
Retail BYOD shifts the focus of the retail assistant from expertise to enablement, but will the customer journey suffer? Aldas Palubinskas discusses this up and coming trend… read more...

Who cares about ERP?
Brett Roberts ponders the state of the monolithic ERP model and offers some disruptive ideas of his own… read more...

IT failure: an industry shame
With around half of all IT projects fail to deliver on expectations it’s safe to say that there’s something seriously wrong with the way IT projects are being both planned and executed. iStart cornered Simpl founder and CEO Bennett Medary to find out just what’s behind such a dire statistic… read more...

Why am I doing this project?
Been assigned onto yet another IT project, but not entirely sure what the project is, why you’ve been put on it and what it all means? Scott Groombridge has some advice… read more...

Company Executive charged with project abuse
Running a successful IT project is a lot like raising a child. So why do project managers so often abandoned them at birth? read more...

Windows 8 Review
I’ve been on a mission for a while now to dive into Windows 8 and to try and come up with a definite opinion on what I think about the OS; admittedly I’ve been having a very difficult time… read more...

Dwight was right – planning is useless, but indispensible
For successful companies, says Brett Roberts, it’s all about preparing for the battle. But while you can’t succeed without adequate preparation, planning can quickly veer into ‘useless’ territory, especially when those ‘best laid plans’ equate to little more than opportunities lost… read more...

You don’t need a mobile strategy
Mobile is a platform. It is a tactic, not a strategy. What you need is a strategy for the connected customer. Gerry McGovern explains… read more...

Forecast: Partly Cloudy
When it comes to computing solutions, it’s what they do – not how they’re delivered – that really counts. Duncan Campbell from ERP solutions provider Greentree takes a closer look at hosting ERP solutions in the cloud… read more...

Hurry up and wait
For large enterprises, the cloud is a revolution for those processes that are necessary, but not necessarily that important. Therefore, think very carefully before you move any process or application into the cloud, especially if it’s a source of competitive advantage, says Owen McCall… read more...

What we can learn from Yahoo!
Yahoo is an extremely popular website, yet its stock has performed really badly. Why? Because it sells stuff (banner ads) people don’t want to buy… read more...

What’s wrong with NZ’s take on copyright?
Now that the Copyright (Infringing File Sharing) Amendment Act 2011 has come into effect, many Kiwis will have a raft of new worries when it comes to their internet writes TelstraClear chief executive Allan Freeth… read more...

4 things you must know before choosing an ERP vendor
Choosing the best vendor partner is critical to any successful ERP implementation – because in this instance the word ‘partner’ isn’t just a figure of speech… read more...

‘Please sir, can I have some more productivity…?’
GM of leading NZ mobile solutions provider Mobico, Aldas Palubinskas, is passionate about productivity. He discusses how leading NZ businesses can achieve real world productivity gains and how they can get the dickens out of their day… read more...