Donovan Jackson

Trust Me: NZ’s top trader explains the foundation of online business
Trust is central to Trade Me’s operations. What role does it play in yours?… read more...

How an ERP company looked within to tackle the Coast to Coast
EMDA’s multisport achievement taken on with project discipline (and a dose of the usual pain)… read more...

‘This is a terrible time to buy ERP’
Hold on to those purse strings, says ERP expert… read more...

Xero AI: Sweating the small stuff for big gains
Grand plans for AI, machine learning and automation starts with minor improvements… read more...

Ready up for ‘ubiquitous AI’ (but beware ‘AI washing’)
Here we go again, as its AI’s turn for a massive hype… read more...

APIs are taking off, big time
Just how important are APIs in your business?…

Data Vault: All the data, all the time
NOW Consulting adds data modelling alternative to address rapid change use cases… read more...

What’s next for the sharing economy
Predictions on where disruptive business models will strike next… read more...

FinancialForce: Plugging the services gap
Newcomer ERP vendor targets lucrative niche…

The few and the many: What the IRD’s job cuts reveal
Why bureaucratic job cuts are good news for all citizens… read more...

Digitisation could deliver big buzz for beekeepers
Spatial intelligence and more seeks sweet spot with honey producers… read more...

Electricity retail, customer satisfaction and the digital dividend
Incumbents fail while digital upstarts surge ahead, Consumer NZ survey finds… read more...

Competing standards emerge as IoT interest ramps steeply
Spark, Vodafone ready to scale deployments on different LPWAN technologies… read more...

Productisation eases access to big data
Qonnect provides platform to make big data easier to qonsume… read more...

Skills shortage? What skills shortage?
Despite own evidence to the contrary, NZTech CEO finds it hard to believe… read more...

Sad? Dodgy video to blame
‘Filmed with a potato, streamed over 56k modem’…

Tech companies don’t have to be in Auckland
Small scale ‘tyranny of distance’ can easily be overcome… read more...

People plus cloud make the 2017 CIO of the Year
Top CIOs define themselves as motivators, leaders and inspirers of teams… read more...

Citizen-driven and tech enabled: New Zealand’s very civil service
How government service providers are transforming themselves for me. And you… read more...

Why Rimini Street is ‘the enemy’
Scuttlebutt from the floor of the CIO Summit…