Donovan Jackson

Which vendors come short when measuring up the big boys of ERP?
Panorama Consulting’s ‘Clash of the Titans 2017’ report compares SAP, Oracle, Dynamics and Infor… read more...

Demand for ‘intelligent automation’ accelerates
Vendor strengthens in-country representation as service management catches on… read more...

Field service at the sharp end of digital transformation
Doing the same thing again and expecting a different result is, apparently, at least one definition of insanity… read more...

‘Don’t panic’ as AWS goes down
There’s a broader lesson in the downing of Amazon Web Services’ S3 service in North America and that is simply ‘don’t panic’… read more...

Word soup with new name, expansion for SAP PaaS
In SAP-land, everything good is called HANA. Except HANA Cloud Platform… read more...

Have your employees got the best tools for the job? Probably not
Less than half of respondents to a global study have the ‘latest technology’ to do their jobs… read more...

Smart glasses tipped for big things, despite probably still making you look stupid
Google Glass might be dead, but the segment in which it inspired a good deal of public opprobrium isn’t… read more...

M&A activity continues as Fusion5 and Myriad join forces
Australasian business solutions company Fusion5 merges with Myriad IT… read more...

Culture shift needed before transformation
Fear of the machines is real, so focus on people first, then tech… read more...

ANZ spoilt for choice with more cloud options
Oracle expands cloud coverage with PaaS, IaaS…

The robots are coming (and they’re going to clean your house)
Succour for those afraid of the robot invasion…

Chatbots take flight in New Zealand
But it is more Kitty Hawk than Cape Canaveral right now… read more...

Automation and the death of work
The end of the world will arrive through sheer indolence… read more...

Shift to the cloud as minnows nip at big energy retailers’ flanks
The big boys of the electricity industry aren’t taking this digital transformation malarkey lying down… read more...

Chatbots hit the perfect pitch
With bots taking over the world, isn’t it a good thing they are so friendly… read more...

Productivity, technology and targeting NZ’s biggest IT spender
‘Technology is at the heart of improving productivity of government services’… read more...

Does software licensing equate to theft?
Software vendors perpetuating a billion-dollar heist (or are they?)… read more...

Data science gets automated, but the devil is still in the detail
More than 40 percent of data science tasks will be automated by 2020 reckons Gartner… read more...

Digital technology rendering government redundant
‘Digital’ has replaced multiple devices, industries and ways of doing things. Could it see off government, too?… read more...

‘Over the top’ puts a hundred billion back in your pocket
A figure is put to internet protocol gains…