
Kicking the predictors in their crystal balls
December – the time for putting up the Christmas tree, counting down the days till holidays and trying to be nice to your work colleagues at the office party… read more...

Expect more elephants down under
Open source big data vendor accelerates activity in Australasia… read more...

Better BI will decimate white collar jobs (but it won’t run your company)
Increased access to more data faster than ever before is driving a revolution that is completely changing the nature of business… read more...

Crystal balls come out for 2017
It’s that time of year again, so ready yourself for the prognostications of, well, everyone… read more...

NZTech firms up Techweek for ’17
Week-long celebration of technology and innovation scheduled for May 2017… read more...

Ahead of disaster, more cloud is a good idea
Disaster has once again thrown into stark relief the continuity challenges faced by businesses of all kinds in the event of the unexpected… read more...

Ever wondered which ERP vendor is best?
Panorama Consulting Solutions ranks ERP vendors for 2017 and comes up with a winner… read more...

Kevin Mitnick and the human hacking business
Every industry has rockstars. For hackers and infosec, there’s probably no one more famous, or perhaps infamous, than Kevin Mitnick… read more...

Landesk eyes the end-point
Tools vendor sets sights on the sharp bit of information security… read more...

Heat turned up in cloud ERP space
Growing demand, plenty of options for SaaS solutions…

Intelligent avatar seeks situation vacant
‘BabyX’ leaves the lab and looks for a job as Soul Machines opens for business… read more...

Tech driven quake response and a silver lining
New Zealand’s skills in advanced spatial technology and geographic intelligence has underpinned much of the response to last week’s 7.8 earthquake… read more...

CEO’s visit sparks storm of activity
Microsoft NZ announces co-development initiatives, awards grant for computer science education… read more...

Entrepreneur announces the ‘as a Service’ we’ve all been waiting for
The industry is changing for the better with ‘beer as a service’… read more...

Microsoft CEO Nadella doesn’t whelm, he delivers
Redmond’s top man appears at Auckland’s Developer Day…

Smarter farming could boost already respectable growth figures
Information technology could help agriculture exceed farming’s anticipated $6.4 billion contribution to 2025 GDP… read more...

Drones make light work of heavy lifting
ERP vendor delivers proof of concept for drone-powered automation… read more...

Social credit on the comeback in fintech
Juniper Research said fintech platform revenues to support lending and financing are set to reach US$10.5 billion globally by 2020… read more...

Could CYOD give Apple an enterprise boost?
While BYOD has captured lots of attention over the last few years, companies supplying equipment chosen by employees is increasing in popularity… read more...

Can service management change the way you work?
When it’s all about the experience, office applications aren’t good enough… read more...