Jonathan Cotton

Shipping News: blockchain arrives for freight
IBM’s TradeLens hypes a step toward ‘one-touch’ international shipping… read more...

Could a cyber attack trigger the next financial crisis?
Just how safe is the global financial system from the bad guys?… read more...

They have ways of making us talk
Five Eyes talks tough on encryption (or non-encryption) rules… read more...

Forget the chatbots, ‘virtual assistants’ are taking over now
The psychological and technological come together in the race for CX AI supremacy… read more...

Help wanted: National digital leaders apply within
The government has its fair share of challenges when it comes to digital and data – and finding competent leaders is one of them… read more...

Censorship be damned: Google & Co go for China
Open internetter’s outrage won’t stem FAANGs wanting a piece of the PRC… read more...

3D printing gets the industrial treatment
3D printing is here, it’s awesome, and it’s going to revolutionise manufacturing… read more...

Whatever happened to Green IT?
A few years ago it was the word on every CIO’s lips: Green or bust. Where did those good intentions go?… read more...

IoT Down Under: The deals, the dollars and what’s coming next
New research – not to mention a slew of new deals – shows IoT tech finally justifying its ‘next-big-thing’ reputation… read more...

Fasten your seat belts, the smart car race has started
If the investment is anything to go by, the self-driving car market looks set to err, accelerate… read more...

Introducing Apple Maps 2.0: Has Google met its mapping match?
Sure, we laughed at the disastrous Apple Maps launch in 2012, but the tech giant hasn’t given up on its plans for cartographic dominance… read more...

M. bovis, IoT and the rise of NZ AgTech
With a little will and some clever new tech, New Zealand’s agricultural sector may be on the cusp of a tech revolution… read more...

R&D funding, 2018: Goodbye Callaghan, hello tax credits
Will the government’s decision to abandon R&D grants kill NZ’s startup tech sector?… read more...

Top 4 takeaways from the Mary Meeker internet report
It’s Silicon Valley’s favourite slide deck, but at a whopping 294 slides, Mary Meeker’s 2018 Trend Report is well and truly death by Powerpoint. But despair not: we’ve separated the wheat from the chaff on your behalf… read more...

The bleeding edge: Why driverless auto-tech must recover from its PR nightmare
Self-driving Ubers may be a hazard to pedestrians but the wheels are still turning for the driverless future – and that’s a good thing… read more...

Too smart for our own good: Tackling the thorny issues of ethics and AI
AI keeps getting smarter and governments find themselves asking: Just where is the boundary that makes AI ethical?… read more...

Datacom’s local govt/community engagement app goes live
Citizens can now report potholes, offer suggestions and complain at will – all digitally – thanks to Datacom’s new app… read more...

Open banking comes to Australasia: Why it matters
Fintechs are delighted – the big banks, not so much – as open banking arrives downunder… read more...

Robotics Plus signs global deal for automated apple packing tech
What seasonal worker shortage? New robotic tech may help ease agricultural labour woes… read more...

The evolving role of the CPO
Talent worries, digi-tech fear and the collaboration imperative are the issues facing modern CPOs, says Deloitte. And something’s got to give… read more...