Jonathan Cotton

Can sensor tech turn Christchurch into the smart city of the future?
The $4b rebuild sees Christchurch emerge as New Zealand’s busiest testbed for sensor tech… read more...

Ethics and algorithms: Can machine learning ever be moral?
New research suggests the human touch might be the solution to the excesses of the big data deluge… read more...

NZ enters the national digital ID movement
As NZ moves to roll out a national digital ID solution, what’s to be gained? And what are the risks? read more...

Is digital marketing in crisis?
Facebook and Google, Google and Facebook. What lies beyond the digital marketing duopoly?.. read more...

Biometric ID tech’s growing acceptance
The consumerisation of biometrics is seeing the selfie elevated to trusted identity authenticator… read more...

Are e-retailers too complacent about Christmas?
Judging by the buoyant mood you could be forgiven for thinking Amazon’s retail revolution has been called off. But not so fast… read more...

Is it time for an IoT crack down?
Security vendors will always find something to make us paranoid, but for IoT, some sort of policy framework is surely the order of the day… read more...

Below and beyond: The underground drones are coming
Drone technology is rapidly taking off – but there’s action happening closer to ground… read more...

ASB opens export window
ASB treads with caution into blockchain with new trade solution… read more...

AI presents possibilities for health sector
AI holds great promise for the Kiwi health sector, but the prognosis for uptake? not so healthy… read more...

Mixed reality revolution finally gets underway downunder
Australiasian VR, AR and mixed reality on the cusp of broad adoption… read more...

Big Blue chases cloud market with US$34b Red Hat acquisition
IBM’s proposed acquisition of open source cloud software company Red Hat will create the world’s largest open source software portfolio… read more...

Lime’s e-scooters come to NZ
Zero emissions, quiet and perfect for the suit-and-tie-brigade, is micro transport the future of urban transport?.. read more...

AI investment shows bang for buck
Gartner finds majority of AI projects are very successful – for e-commerce… read more...

Open office findings counter-intuitive
The science is out: why open offices don’t foster collaboration… read more...

New world order: Is it time for Internet 2.0?
Goodbye passwords, logins and data-hungry tech giants. The net’s future might just be on a USB… read more...

When will online voting come to Australasia?
With voter numbers dropping, postal services on the decline and booth-voting pure misery, is it time for a digital solution?.. read more...

Real estate agreements go digital
World’s first paperless property deal completed. In NZ…

Deloitte says CIOs need to adapt or perish
In the age of change, just what does the role of the CIO entail?.. read more...

BigTech is coming for unhappy banking customers
A new banking sector survey reveals low customer satisfaction levels and an industry ripe for upheaval by Google, Amazon and the like… read more...