
Artificial Intelligence is just plain dumb
Google’s time machine reveals AI in service management is far from new… read more...

Autonomous vehicles set to take off ‘eventually’
Self-driving cars creep closer as Vehicle-to-Vehicle technology introduced…

‘Transforming’? Be sure to bring your people along for the ride
With the introduction of new technology, a focus on people is the key to success… read more...

WannaCry: the most exciting thing to happen in cybersecurity for ages
Massive ransomware attack kicks PR machines into overdrive…

New guide, policies to drive investment in tech sector
Government commits to boosting interest in NZ’s 3rd biggest industry… read more...

Cracking the onboarding nut
New software could have positive unintended consequence…

Digital a big deal down under
Forward-looking tech leaders ahead of the curve – but will they stay there… read more...

CIO Awards finalists named
Recognition for individual and team leadership, innovation and foresight in ICT and business… read more...

How ‘servant leadership’ drives success
Who is the most important person in any company? It’s not the CEO… read more...

Chatbots a ‘game changer’ for healthcare, banking
Juniper Research says traditional call centres are under threat… read more...

Winning in a changing world: The upside of the downturn
How the Global Financial Crisis provided impetus to launch fintech industry… read more...

258 tech and innovation events mark ‘biggest ever in NZ’
New Zealand Techweek rolls out nationwide…

Will they bend or break? Avoid contorting knowledge workers
Data guru Donald Farmer channels Bruce Willis to draw analogies with security and governance… read more...

The interface of the future could be no interface
Bots could make working with ERP a more chatty affair… read more...

Why Theta’s putting the big bucks into BI
With arguably the biggest analytics competency in New Zealand, privately held company Theta is staking its claim… read more...

Artificial data barriers cost national economies dear
The unintended consequences of ‘data sovereignty’ laid bare…

Make sure your systems don’t suffer the holiday blues
After a spate of glorious public holidays, Kiwis across the country are doing their best to get back into the swing of things… read more...

It’s just data – and given good tools, watch how people will use it
Hadoop inventor pegs ‘big data’ back to ‘modern data infrastructure’… read more...

‘Massive global expansion’ for NetSuite
This is what the Oracle ‘big brother’ really means for cloud ERP vendor… read more...

Now big data threatens to ‘save the planet’
Faster than a speeding bullet, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, and now capable of solving the biggest ‘challenge’ of our time… read more...