
What content farms teach us about content
Gerry McGovern says that on the web, content is the enabler… read more...

Why broadband black spots are damaging the economy
Filling in Australia’s broadband black spots would boost productivity says Rob Stummer… read more...

Five ways the cloud increases innovation and productivity
As one of the major step-changing technologies of this decade, expert Craig Deveson discusses how cloud computing has transformed innovation and productivity in the enterprise IT landscape… read more...

Avoiding the tech apocalypse
Paul Budde offers his thoughts on how new open ‘people technologies’ could help us to avoid a cataclysm and create a smarter society… read more...

Is HR just an administrivia?
Gartner’s “Maverick” research is designed to spark new, unconventional insights, in order to deliver disruptive ideas. Here Morgan Yeates offers some provocative thoughts on HR technology… read more...

Signing on the digital line
Despite the fact that technology use has almost become an extension of the human condition, there is one area where we stubbornly stick to the old… read more...

Auckland fibre: too hard, too slow
Paul Brislen discusses why other cities have got the technology edge on New Zealand’s largest conurbation… read more...

Business intelligence: what are you really investing in?
Gartner’s Ian Bertram looks at the evidence on business intelligence and asks whether it’s worth the investment… read more...

Online habits too expensive to change
Web specialist Gerry McGovern says you are likely to be much more successful on the web if you try to leverage existing behaviour… read more...

Some manufacturers just don’t get IT!
Keith Jessop laments the lost opportunities that he sees from 20,000 feet when manufacturers do not leverage their system capabilities to do better business. read more...

Security legislation: living in strange times
Paul Brislen takes a look at the two pieces of legislation currently making their way with, what he believes, “undue haste” through New Zealand’s parliament… read more...

QlikView and the power of gray
Letting the mind wander can often throw up better results than a direct answer to an initial question. This associative thinking style can also be applied to software queries as the experts from QlikView explain… read more...

The problem with silos on the web
No link is an island says Gerry McGovern who says there are no silos on the web… read more...

How malware could kill BYOD efficiency
Dylan Persaud asks if the future of BYOD will be compromised by the rising threat of malware-laden apps read more...

ERP is not an IT decision
The technology to drive your business must be chosen by business heads, not by techies. By Philip Morgan, Director, Verde Group… read more...

Convenience trumps security
Encryption that is very hard to crack by the NSA (the US spy agency) has existed for years. But it’s not easy to use so hardly anyone does. We trade convenience for security says Gerry McGovern… read more...

Cloud the only future for ERP
When IBM asked Australian companies about their cloud computing progress it was surprised to learn many remained at the researching or planning stage… read more...

CRM automation: efficiency versus effectiveness
Gartner analyst Praveen Sengar says you need to judge sales tools by their impact on sales success, not the cost of sale… read more...

5 cloud myths unplugged
Cloud computing is one of the most popular yet continually misunderstood terms in the modern technology world. Cloud expert Craig Deveson sets out to dispel some of the enduring myths… read more...

How to avoid the IT hall of shame
IT security and project stuff-ups are certainly nothing new in our field. But things seem to be getting worse and sadly, most of these issues are preventable… read more...