Jonathan Cotton

Western Australia needs data scientists – 3k of them
Once called ‘the sexiest job of the 21st century’, data scientists are currently a hot commodity… read more...

Pandemic brings Christmas shopping crunch
Online demand faces supply chain shortfalls…

Reversing the global productivity slump
Productivity has declined, but Microsoft may have a solution… read more...

New tech being rolled out to combat Covid-19
But it’s hard to build the perfect contact tracing beast… read more...

Lucrative quarter for FAANGS
As the economic fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic continues, revenues of the tech leaders continue to soar… read more...

Why DuckDuckGo won’t be your next search engine
It’s hot to hate the giants right now, but is regulation necessary – or even right?… read more...

The lives of others: Exploring the Internet of Behaviour
Connected data will increasingly influence our lives and our decision making… read more...

Dropbox goes 100% virtual
File sharing giant says ‘go home, stay home’ to staff… read more...

Subscription economy quietly booms under lockdown
2020 is the year of the accelerated trend…

Aussie Govt scraps much-loathed R&D reforms
It’s a new RDTI landscape on both sides of the Tasman… read more...

Marketing analytics: A big annoying pain in the butt
Nearly half of CMOs “unable to measure marketing ROI”… read more...

Google’s billion-dollar plan to solve its news woes
But not Downunder…

Why is launching a digital ID program so hard?
Australia’s digital ID project gets a AU$250m cash injection… read more...

Crunching the numbers on internet privacy
From ad-trackers to key-loggers to third-party cookies, who’s watching us when we surf the net? … read more...

$16b in tech exports, but NZ failing on digital inclusion?
What’s required to leave no slow digital-adopter behind?…

Snowflake’s staggering IPO
Unicorn mobilises the world’s data (and capital investment)…

Making public-sector data available and transparent
Sharing is good, says the Govt…

Sex-tech: Ready to explode
But is it all just digital junk?…

Govts on the hunt for global tech talent
Closed borders are opening (just a bit) in order to tempt talent Downunder… read more...

Xero checks-in on user wellbeing
Are Xero users happy? (Because its shareholders sure are)… read more...