Jonathan Cotton

Can thermal imaging help stop the spread of Covid-19?
At the border and on the street, thermal detection offers a way to identify the sick – but it’s no magic wand… read more...

Telemedicine tech options and the challenges faced
We have the technology, but do we have the will – and funding – to bring telehealth into the mainstream?… read more...

Mobile contact tracing: Privacy vs the pandemic
As governments worldwide roll out location-based tracking of the sick, the pursuit of privacy is put on hold… read more...

Alibaba brings cloud services/AI to Covid-19 fight
As the world hunkers down, Alibaba opens its tech to medical professionals around the globe… read more...

Demand for remote working surges
Let the grand remote working experiment begin…

Wool exchange hit by virus
Forget about coronavirus for a moment. Another kind of virus just struck the A/NZ wool industry… read more...

Tech sector sweats Covid-19 as major events cancel
2020 the year of live streaming and webinars as organisers react to panic… read more...

Lawyers’ role in tech disruption
Is the legal profession too conservative for the fast-moving world of tech?… read more...

Floods, fires, pandemics: Remote working hits the limelight
With large scale havoc impacting business, do you have a contingency plan in place?… read more...

Coronavirus: Brace for high-tech shortages
As the COVID-19 outbreak rolls on, disruption and uncertainty is the name of the game… read more...

Fonterra moves ICT contract to HCL
Costs will be cut and tech modernised as Fonterra overhauls (and outsources) its IT… read more...

Tech, talent or strategy? What stands in the way of Industry 4.0?
A new survey finds C-suite execs optimistic about Industry 4.0 – but only in principle… read more...

Robots eyeing up retail
Ready or not, it’s a bold new retail age of AI, automation and robotics… read more...

AU gears up for Govt-wide ERP
End of support prompts move to SAP S/4HANA for GovERP… read more...

DEPA agreement looks to solve the big digital trade issues
What’s behind the new NZ/Singapore/Chile digital economy partnership deal?… read more...

Amazon Xmas profits soar
A bumper holiday period has seen the global tech giant touch the $1 trillion mark… read more...

Infosys serves up AI for tennis, but it’s no grand slam
Aussie Open tech aims high but is let down by an app that fails to score… read more...

What’s behind Australasia’s open banking delays?
And is it time for a New Zealand Consumer Data Right?… read more...

CEO pessimism reaches record high
PwC’s Annual Global CEO Survey 2020 reveals that more than half of all CEOs believe global GDP growth will decline… read more...

Microsoft vows carbon negativity by 2030
Supply chains face scrutiny as Microsoft goes carbon neutral – and then some – in a decade… read more...