
Mother of invention: Covid spurs new creations
The weird, the wacky and the wonderful…

Facebook ups e-com push with Shops for small businesses
Social media giant bets on increased advertising…

Turning data into revenue
Data-driven companies 58 percent more likely to beat revenue goals… read more...

Frankenstein security as companies suffer ‘cloud security readiness gap’
Cloud data security keeping IT teams up at night… read more...

Cash-strapped digital publishers brace for impact
The collapsing media marketplace will get worse before it gets better… read more...

Australia’s CovidSafe app finds a true positive (just the one)
Almost a month since launch, Australia’s digital contact tracing app is up and running. Or is it?… read more...

NZ goes live with Covid Tracer
Underwhelming tool adds to proliferation of contact tracing ‘check-in’ apps… read more...

Facebook struggles to stem Covid-19 misinformation flow
AI falters with Covid, but sees success with hate speech… read more...

Gartner’s Kost plots path to IT savings
Knee jerk cancellation of projects needs close analysis…

Budget 2020: Ecom, e-invoicing and digital priorities (or not)
The Covid rebuild – and cost – on display… read more...

CFOs ponder their post-Covid-19 prospects
Investment in digital the key to meeting the Covid-19 challenge say CFOs… read more...

Laying down the law for Consumer Data Right enforcement
ACCC says it intends to speak softly and carry a big stick… read more...

HBR: Empowering frontline staff with data-driven decision making reaps returns
Report quantifies the benefits of frontline tech…

Wearables take on social distancing
Bracelets for port and industrial workers…

Cloud shifts ‘challenging’ company budgets
The move to opex isn’t a winner for all… read more...

Contact tracing: One OS update to rule them all
Apple, Google API provides ‘enormous boost’ for tracing…

Aussie mates join Kiwi startup scene
First Kiwi fund and cohort for Startmate…

Motorsports takes to the skies
Racing may have turned to esports to fill the Covid void, but change is in the air… read more...

Gartner to CIOs: Quarantine your cash flow
As the economy buckles under Covid-19, Gartner advises cutting all non-critical tech… read more...

Microsoft announces Kiwi Azure
Azure hits Aotearoa, finally…