
The smart future of manufacturing
Artificial Intelligence and the production floor revolution…

Employee anxiety in the age of automation
Automation likely to be next decade’s major labour market disruptor… read more...

Xero AI: Sweating the small stuff for big gains
Grand plans for AI, machine learning and automation starts with minor improvements… read more...

LoQalising big data SaaS for tourism
Qeyboards suffer again as Qrious expands product offering…

Ready up for ‘ubiquitous AI’ (but beware ‘AI washing’)
Here we go again, as its AI’s turn for a massive hype… read more...

APIs are taking off, big time
Just how important are APIs in your business?…

Data Vault: All the data, all the time
NOW Consulting adds data modelling alternative to address rapid change use cases… read more...

What’s next for the sharing economy
Predictions on where disruptive business models will strike next… read more...

SkyCity heads into the cloud
Intergen lands major deal for new Microsoft CRM/ERP solution… read more...

FinancialForce: Plugging the services gap
Newcomer ERP vendor targets lucrative niche…

Australians, Kiwis wary about sharing data…and no wonder
With continual high-profile data breaches, people are rightfully selective about info sharing… read more...

This week in fintech: All is flux
Bitcoin instability, under reporting of dodgy activity and ongoing malware mayhem are the order of the day in global fintech… read more...

The few and the many: What the IRD’s job cuts reveal
Why bureaucratic job cuts are good news for all citizens… read more...

Digital transformation more difficult for risk averse companies
MIT SMR and Deloitte backs obvious conclusions with research… read more...

Worldwide IT spending to grow 2.4 percent in 2017
Driven by enterprise software – and Australia and New Zealand outstrip global average… read more...

Chatbots: The cheap way to irritate your customers
How much does a chatbot for your site cost? More than you might think… read more...

Good news, everyone! Your tax just got harder
Eliminating ‘unfettered averaging’ one of the goals of new accounting standards… read more...

More digital good news for NZ Inc
Digital economy rated among the world’s best…

From Kiwi government to the world
Empired launches trans-Tasman cloud ECM…

Electricity retail, customer satisfaction and the digital dividend
Incumbents fail while digital upstarts surge ahead, Consumer NZ survey finds… read more...