Jonathan Cotton

The rise and rise of the enterprise marketplace
What’s behind the outrageous growth in online marketplaces?…

Unicorn Airwallex raises $200m, buys Unicard
Following another successful funding round, unicorn gets acquisitional…

Top tech jobs of 2021
What does a year of both creation and destruction for business mean for the job market?… read more...

Digital Downunder 2021
New report offers a snapshot of all things digital Downunder and beyond… read more...

Petulant Facebook wins out
Media code loses teeth after news ban deal…

What’s driving smart traffic growth?
Smart cities of the future need smart traffic tech to match… read more...

Is AI really going to run amok?
And if so, who’s responsible for regulating it?…

Remote workers under the microscope
New employee experience platforms dish the data on workers… read more...

Predictive analytics in the age of pandemic
In 2021, one thing is for certain: Certainty is in short supply… read more...

Kiwi virtual Dr app raises $15m
Telemedicine startup wants to digitise going to the doctors… read more...

We’re on the verge of a manufacturing data revolution
But many manufacturers are still struggling to capture smart-factory value… read more...

Imagine life without Google
What’s the real risk of Google pulling out of Australia?… read more...

Twitter deplatforms Trump
Twitter has finally dropped Trump, but the ugliness is likely only beginning… read more...

High-tech recruitment in the age of Covid
Throw those one-dimensional resumes in the bin; Covid’s changed hiring forever… read more...

When a stranger calls: The rise of the ‘vishing’ scam
A spate of strikes shows just how effective voice-based attack vectors can be… read more...

Big four team up to digitise bank guarantees
Bank consortium builds blockchain platform to replace paper guarantee processes… read more...

Cleaning up the gig economy
With Australian delivery drivers dying, calls for reform get louder… read more...

Burgeoning biotech boom beckons
A new report says NZ is sitting on a biotech goldmine… read more...

You shall not pass (with those creds)
In an unsecured world, voice and text-based verification doesn’t cut the MFA mustard… read more...

Hands up who wants a microchip in their arm
Punters are surprisingly open to the ultimate in biometric identification… read more...