Welcome to the business process management and workflow solutions pavilion. Below you will find most of the leading vendors and/or their implementation partners in New Zealand. Click on any vendors of interest to see a showcase of their relevant local case studies, thought leadership articles, recent news stories, and product and industry insights. Use the advanced search facility in the menu bar to search for relevant content across the industries and solution types that you are researching. You can compare vendors across industries, reference sites and features in the Buyers Guide. Also check the iStart events diary for local industry events. All vendors showcased have local representation and actively support clients in Australia, and so will be glad to assist with your enquiries.
The automatic routing of documents to the users responsible for working on them. Workflow is concerned with providing the information required to support each step of the business cycle. The documents may be physically moved over the network or maintained in a single database with the appropriate users given access to the data at the required times. Triggers can be implemented in the system to alert managers when operations are overdue. The manual flow of documents in an organisation is prone to errors. Documents can get lost or be constantly shuffled to the bottom of the in-basket. Automating workflow sets timers that ensure that documents move along at a prescribed pace and that the appropriate person processes them in the correct order.
Business Process Management (BPM)
A structured approach that models an enterprise’s human and machine tasks and the interactions between them as processes. BPM software uses a dashboard interface that offers a high-level view of the operation that typically crosses departmental boundaries. The dashboard integrates with all the applications that perform processes as well as related databases and can be used to trigger the start of a unit of work. Evolving from document management, workflow and enterprise application integration (EAI), a BPM system can monitor and analyse tasks in realtime and set off alerts when specified limits are exceeded or a response is not received within a specified time.
For decades, systems that are entirely automated have more or less taken care of themselves. However, operations requiring a mix of people and machine procedures employ BPM as a higher-level management system that keeps track of them both. Over time, a BPM system can provide historical data of human-machine interactions that might be extremely difficult to obtain from information systems, especially disparate systems from several departments or systems running on different platforms.
A BPM system may comprise a variety of independent packages or a comprehensive business process management suite (BPMS), which includes tools for modeling and analysis, application integration, business rules support, business intelligence (BI), activity monitoring and optimisation. Advanced BPMSs provide a development tool for creating forms-based applications, which are often the start of many business processes.

2023 opportunity: APAC expansion
Insider advice for growth-focused tech vendors…

eBook: Improving the customer experience
How order-to-cash automation unites your most strategic teams…

Whitepaper: Order to cash automation
What’s in it for accounts receivable leaders?…

Offshored seats coming home
The tide is turning after lockdown hits top end of town…

Why businesses are late to digitally transform (and why it’s not a good thing)
Kicking status quo to touch…

Building a business case for AR automation
How to confront outdated processes and make your project a top priority…

AR Automation: The key to collecting payments faster
Even a small improvement in DSO can have a big impact on a business’s financial health…

Automating the collections process
Reducing working capital to accelerate growth…

Preparing your business for PDF and EDI invoicing
Managing EDI is now mandatory, but pdf remains a necessity…

Whitepaper: Thankfully, there’s more to accounts receivable than ERP
If you’re ready to automate what should be automated in the AR process, this workbook’s for you…

Automating the money (collection) business
Chasing late payments a cashflow and productivity drain…

Fuji Xerox focuses on security and workflow with new devices
User-friendly, digital-first demand the drivers behind redesign…

Switched on CIO: Gerard Naish on automating Ports of Auckland
With analytics, integration and blockchain along for the ride…

AI-driven automation providing lifeline for health sector
Cloud-based collaboration platform and AI offer productivity panacea…

Whitepaper: The AI advantage
A simple guide to elevating your business using human & machine intelligence…

Whitepaper: How to digitally transform business operations
By embracing digital transformation, organisations can cut out inefficiencies and create effective practices…

How distribution benefits from the next evolution of automated document processing
When you hear talk about robotics in the distribution centre, you may envision some of the innovations Amazon is using to streamline operations…

Goodbye legacy systems, hello ‘Composable IT’
Remember how much fun it was to build stuff with Lego blocks? HPE CTO Paul Haverfield does…

How machine learning can raise the bar in customer service
Using AI to power the next decade of customer experience will reduce errors in sales orders says Esker’s Eric Bussy…

Five ways to botch your RPA rollout
A software robot army, ready and willing to do your bidding? Not quite…

The future benefits of AI are bigger than you can imagine
It’s currently one of the hottest topics in the technology sector and, if experts are right Steve Singer says AI’s impact will be as big as the silicon chip…

New Zealand’s IT renaissance and the parable of the broken window
Are jobs really disappearing? Not so, argues Igor Matich; we just don’t notice the new ones…

How APIs can help extract maximum value from DevOps
When it comes to developing software to create innovative experiences for customers, organisations can choose one of two paths, contends Brad Drysdale…

Field service at the sharp end of digital transformation
Doing the same thing again and expecting a different result is, apparently, at least one definition of insanity…

Why data analytics is set to slay corporate data silos
Backed by accessible analytics, it is about what and not who you know, writes Maurizio Canton…

Automation and the death of work
The end of the world will arrive through sheer indolence…

Transformation efforts should focus on digital onramps
Smooth entry and exit needed onto the digitisation highway…

Application networks can address digital disruption challenges
Companies need to find ways to become more flexible to meet changing market and customer demands, writes MuleSoft’s Brad Drysdale…

The re-emergence of process as a competitive differentiator
It’s not only what is done, but also how, writes Ivan Seselj, advancing the argument that process can deliver the edge…

Why it pays to focus on process
For more than a decade business surveys and management text books have identified strategy execution as the number one challenge facing CEOs. The problem isn’t the quality of management strategies, says Ivan Seselj. It is the difficulty of carrying them out…

How BPM is driving customer experience
BPM is proving itself as a vital tool in helping companies develop the customer-centric approach…

The case for honest estimates
Setting out on any project requires getting some idea of the costs and timelines involved – but project management expert Gary Nelson points out that there can be problems with estimates which can scupper projects before they even start…[View as PDF]

Whitepaper: The future of the productive workplace
By the year 2025 Gen-Y Millennials will dominate the workplace and they will expect to have technology on-hand to help them work smarter not harder…[View as PDF]

Building smart
As the construction of ‘smart’ buildings becomes more common it has presented the design and construction industry with more challenges. Anthony Doesburg explores the impact of software in the design and construction process and how architectural and engineering firms are responding…[View as PDF]

Democratisation, subscription and processification key trends for 2015
Systems integrator UXC Eclipse’s CEO Bradley Stroop offers his take on what will drive the adoption of technology this year…

BPM and the process of processification
For decades in business software, processes have played second fiddle to the demands of the company accountant. Now a process-centric revolution is taking place. Donovan Jackson explains…

New Ricoh HQ all about vision
Ricoh New Zealand has been undergoing significant. iStart caught up with Ricoh New Zealand’s senior management and discovered the principles its new head office in Auckland is built around are the foundations of a bigger concept…

2013 iStart ICT Investment Intentions Survey
Mobilising management is the key objective of IT investment plans for 2013 says iStart’s annual investment survey. The mid-market is investing in mobile business intelligence while small business is doing more with less in the cloud.